Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation
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Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation
S1: Spatial Strategy
Representation ID: 362
Received: 01/10/2013
Respondent: Mountnessing Parish Council
1. Whilst the Parish Council accepts there is a need for some new housing in the area we would want to ensure that any developments would maintain our main street scene to retain the semi rural feel that the village has and new homes should be designed to fit in rather than stand out in styles sympathetic to the area. Access to potential new developments are clearly a concern to some residents We would need assurance that water supplies and sewerage systems would be sufficient to handle additional demand and that the doctors and schools can cope with the extra service users likely to arise. There will certainly be a huge demand for power, water and sewerage disposal if the Hotel site proceeds.
2. We see a need for more one bedroom properties to be included in any affordable dwelling units that might be built within any new development as the reduction in benefits for unused bedrooms has created a need for smaller properties for affected people to downsize to.
3. The Parish Council would also want to see local people given a priority in the allocation of any such dwellings that become available.
Mountnessing Parish Council has considered the draft LDP and also taken note of our residents responses made at the recent public presentation by BBC officers in respect of the draft plan.
Whilst the Parish Council accepts there is a need for some new housing in the area we would want to ensure that any developments approved are sustainable and that they are designed to fit in and enhance the existing built areas with care taken to reduce the impact on existing residents. We would like to maintain our main street scene to retain the semi rural feel that the village has and new homes should be designed to fit in rather than stand out in styles sympathetic to the area. Access to potential new developments are clearly a concern to some residents and the Parish Council will want to see that residents views on this are taken into account in any applications made.
We would need assurance that water supplies and sewerage systems would be sufficient to handle additional demand and that the doctors and schools can cope with the extra service users likely to arise. There will certainly be a huge demand for power, water and sewerage disposal if the Hotel site proceeds.
We see a need for more one bedroom properties to be included in any affordable dwelling units that might be built within any new development as the reduction in benefits for unused bedrooms has created a need for smaller properties for affected people to downsize to. The Parish Council would also want to see local people given a priority in the allocation of any such dwellings that become available.
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation
Policy CP15: High Quality Design
Representation ID: 363
Received: 01/10/2013
Respondent: Mountnessing Parish Council
Whilst the Parish Council accepts there is a need for some new housing in the Mountnessing area we would want to ensure that any developments approved are sustainable and that they are designed to fit in and enhance the existing built areas with care taken to reduce the impact on existing residents.
We would like to maintain our main street scene to retain the semi rural feel that the village has and new homes should be designed to fit in rather than stand out in styles sympathetic to the area.
Mountnessing Parish Council has considered the draft LDP and also taken note of our residents responses made at the recent public presentation by BBC officers in respect of the draft plan.
Whilst the Parish Council accepts there is a need for some new housing in the area we would want to ensure that any developments approved are sustainable and that they are designed to fit in and enhance the existing built areas with care taken to reduce the impact on existing residents. We would like to maintain our main street scene to retain the semi rural feel that the village has and new homes should be designed to fit in rather than stand out in styles sympathetic to the area. Access to potential new developments are clearly a concern to some residents and the Parish Council will want to see that residents views on this are taken into account in any applications made.
We would need assurance that water supplies and sewerage systems would be sufficient to handle additional demand and that the doctors and schools can cope with the extra service users likely to arise. There will certainly be a huge demand for power, water and sewerage disposal if the Hotel site proceeds.
We see a need for more one bedroom properties to be included in any affordable dwelling units that might be built within any new development as the reduction in benefits for unused bedrooms has created a need for smaller properties for affected people to downsize to. The Parish Council would also want to see local people given a priority in the allocation of any such dwellings that become available.
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation
Policy DM29: Accessible, Adaptable Development
Representation ID: 364
Received: 01/10/2013
Respondent: Mountnessing Parish Council
Access to potential new developments are clearly a concern to some residents and Mountnessing Parish Council will want to see that residents views on this are taken into account in any applications made.
Mountnessing Parish Council has considered the draft LDP and also taken note of our residents responses made at the recent public presentation by BBC officers in respect of the draft plan.
Whilst the Parish Council accepts there is a need for some new housing in the area we would want to ensure that any developments approved are sustainable and that they are designed to fit in and enhance the existing built areas with care taken to reduce the impact on existing residents. We would like to maintain our main street scene to retain the semi rural feel that the village has and new homes should be designed to fit in rather than stand out in styles sympathetic to the area. Access to potential new developments are clearly a concern to some residents and the Parish Council will want to see that residents views on this are taken into account in any applications made.
We would need assurance that water supplies and sewerage systems would be sufficient to handle additional demand and that the doctors and schools can cope with the extra service users likely to arise. There will certainly be a huge demand for power, water and sewerage disposal if the Hotel site proceeds.
We see a need for more one bedroom properties to be included in any affordable dwelling units that might be built within any new development as the reduction in benefits for unused bedrooms has created a need for smaller properties for affected people to downsize to. The Parish Council would also want to see local people given a priority in the allocation of any such dwellings that become available.
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation
Policy CP17: Provision of Infrastructure and Community Facilities
Representation ID: 365
Received: 01/10/2013
Respondent: Mountnessing Parish Council
We would need assurance that water supplies and sewerage systems would be sufficient to handle additional demand and that the doctors and schools can cope with the extra service users likely to arise. There will certainly be a huge demand for power, water and sewerage disposal if the Hotel site proceeds.
Mountnessing Parish Council has considered the draft LDP and also taken note of our residents responses made at the recent public presentation by BBC officers in respect of the draft plan.
Whilst the Parish Council accepts there is a need for some new housing in the area we would want to ensure that any developments approved are sustainable and that they are designed to fit in and enhance the existing built areas with care taken to reduce the impact on existing residents. We would like to maintain our main street scene to retain the semi rural feel that the village has and new homes should be designed to fit in rather than stand out in styles sympathetic to the area. Access to potential new developments are clearly a concern to some residents and the Parish Council will want to see that residents views on this are taken into account in any applications made.
We would need assurance that water supplies and sewerage systems would be sufficient to handle additional demand and that the doctors and schools can cope with the extra service users likely to arise. There will certainly be a huge demand for power, water and sewerage disposal if the Hotel site proceeds.
We see a need for more one bedroom properties to be included in any affordable dwelling units that might be built within any new development as the reduction in benefits for unused bedrooms has created a need for smaller properties for affected people to downsize to. The Parish Council would also want to see local people given a priority in the allocation of any such dwellings that become available.
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation
Policy DM7: Land at Mountnessing Roundabout (Former Scrapyard), Roman Road
Representation ID: 366
Received: 01/10/2013
Respondent: Mountnessing Parish Council
We would need assurance that water supplies and sewerage systems would be sufficient to handle additional demand and that the doctors and schools can cope with the extra service users likely to arise. There will certainly be a huge demand for power, water and sewerage disposal if the Hotel site proceeds.
Mountnessing Parish Council has considered the draft LDP and also taken note of our residents responses made at the recent public presentation by BBC officers in respect of the draft plan.
Whilst the Parish Council accepts there is a need for some new housing in the area we would want to ensure that any developments approved are sustainable and that they are designed to fit in and enhance the existing built areas with care taken to reduce the impact on existing residents. We would like to maintain our main street scene to retain the semi rural feel that the village has and new homes should be designed to fit in rather than stand out in styles sympathetic to the area. Access to potential new developments are clearly a concern to some residents and the Parish Council will want to see that residents views on this are taken into account in any applications made.
We would need assurance that water supplies and sewerage systems would be sufficient to handle additional demand and that the doctors and schools can cope with the extra service users likely to arise. There will certainly be a huge demand for power, water and sewerage disposal if the Hotel site proceeds.
We see a need for more one bedroom properties to be included in any affordable dwelling units that might be built within any new development as the reduction in benefits for unused bedrooms has created a need for smaller properties for affected people to downsize to. The Parish Council would also want to see local people given a priority in the allocation of any such dwellings that become available.
Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation
Policy CP8: Housing Type and Mix
Representation ID: 367
Received: 01/10/2013
Respondent: Mountnessing Parish Council
We see a need for more one bedroom properties to be included in any affordable dwelling units that might be built within any new development as the reduction in benefits for unused bedrooms has created a need for smaller properties for affected people to downsize to. The Parish Council would also want to see local people given a priority in the allocation of any such dwellings that become available.
Mountnessing Parish Council has considered the draft LDP and also taken note of our residents responses made at the recent public presentation by BBC officers in respect of the draft plan.
Whilst the Parish Council accepts there is a need for some new housing in the area we would want to ensure that any developments approved are sustainable and that they are designed to fit in and enhance the existing built areas with care taken to reduce the impact on existing residents. We would like to maintain our main street scene to retain the semi rural feel that the village has and new homes should be designed to fit in rather than stand out in styles sympathetic to the area. Access to potential new developments are clearly a concern to some residents and the Parish Council will want to see that residents views on this are taken into account in any applications made.
We would need assurance that water supplies and sewerage systems would be sufficient to handle additional demand and that the doctors and schools can cope with the extra service users likely to arise. There will certainly be a huge demand for power, water and sewerage disposal if the Hotel site proceeds.
We see a need for more one bedroom properties to be included in any affordable dwelling units that might be built within any new development as the reduction in benefits for unused bedrooms has created a need for smaller properties for affected people to downsize to. The Parish Council would also want to see local people given a priority in the allocation of any such dwellings that become available.