Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

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Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for Consultation

Policy DM28: Gypsy and Traveller Provision

Representation ID: 1789

Received: 01/10/2013

Respondent: Stapleford Abbotts Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Stapleford Abbotts is being totally surrounded by illegal settlements as Brentwood and Havering Councils are allowing encampments to go unchallenged and it appears that they are prepared to ignore sites well away from the main towns (Brentwood and Romford).

It is noted that the Brentwood LP and the councils figures for G&Ts are inaccurate and brings it questions the professionalism of the document. We implore BCC to strt reviewing this position urgently and with full commitment as at present it is causing no end of local problems and serious concerns espcially following the most recent violence.

Full text:

Stapleford Abbots Parish Council object to Policy DM28. We have been supporting Navestock PC as we are the bordering Village that is being destroyed by the current attitude to the Traveller settlements in this area.

Stapleford Abbotts is being totally surrounded by illegal settlements as Brentwood and Havering Councils are allowing settlements to go unchallenged and it appears that they are prepared to leave the sites as they are positioned to the extreme of the boroughs well away from the main towns (Brentwood and Romford).

It is noted that the Brentwood LDP presented at the recent Navestock meeting the councils figures for G&Ts are inaccurate and brings into question the professionalism of the document. We implore BBC to start reviewing this position urgently and with full commitment as at present it is causing no end of local problems and serious concerns espcially following the most recent violence.


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