Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule - Regulation 16

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Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule - Regulation 16

Question 4: Do you have any comments on the proposed CIL rates?

Representation ID: 30921

Received: 07/11/2022

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

The proposal for a zero CIL rate for all other development which would include community sports/leisure facilities is welcomed. Most community sports facilities such as leisure centres, playing fields etc are operated by local authorities, clubs and voluntary organisations on a not for profit basis to meet community needs. If CIL was charged for new facilities, or enhancements to existing facilities, this may have viability implications for implementing the proposals. In Sport England’s experience, viability work from elsewhere in the region has shown that such uses would not justify CIL payments and therefore have been specifically excluded being charged CIL.

Full text:

The proposal for a zero CIL rate for all other development which would include community sports/leisure facilities is welcomed. Most community sports facilities such as leisure centres, playing fields etc are operated by local authorities, clubs and voluntary organisations on a not for profit basis to meet community needs. If CIL was charged for new facilities, or enhancements to existing facilities, this may have viability implications for implementing the proposals. In Sport England’s experience, viability work from elsewhere in the region has shown that such uses would not justify CIL payments and therefore have been specifically excluded being charged CIL.

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