Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule - Regulation 16

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Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule - Regulation 16

Question 4: Do you have any comments on the proposed CIL rates?

Representation ID: 30957

Received: 09/11/2022

Respondent: Transport for London

Representation Summary:

TTLP are concerned that the proposed CIL rates set out in the CIL Draft Charging Schedule could have adverse implications for the viability of development on Brentwood Railway Station Car Park, the development of which could provide much needed housing (including affordable housing) and other public benefits.



Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule - Regulation 16

Question 8: Do you have any other comments on the draft CIL Charging Schedule?

Representation ID: 30958

Received: 09/11/2022

Respondent: Transport for London

Representation Summary:

In order to maintain the viability of schemes which deliver significant infrastructure benefits, we suggest that the CIL Charging Schedule should explain that the Council will consider and accept, in appropriate circumstances, land or infrastructure in lieu of a CIL contribution. This is appropriate where a development goes above and beyond what it needs to do to make the development acceptable in planning terms and is instead providing strategic infrastructure. This is set out in Section 73 of the CIL Regs.



Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule - Regulation 16

Question 4: Do you have any comments on the proposed CIL rates?

Representation ID: 31076

Received: 09/11/2022

Respondent: Transport for London

Representation Summary:

There are significant abnormal costs for proposed development on the Brentwood Railway Station Car Park. The imposition of CIL could therefore render development on the site financially unviable. The significant abnormal costs on this site have not been appropriately assessed in the VA.


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