Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)
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Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)
Sustainability Appraisal
Representation ID: 26678
Received: 19/11/2019
Respondent: Ingatestone and Fryerning Parish Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
We recognise that the amendments do not alter the Plan's spatial strategy but seek to respond to concerns in specific areas of the Borough by redistributing housing growth, and it is in that context that we write. Our last comprehensive comments were, on 3rd March 2016 (copy attached), we had not begun the evidence gathering for our Neighbourhood Plan, as our Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee was not convened until November 2017. The research on our own housing needs, relating to our existing 2,000 households and the requirements of our residents for the planning period the LDP covers, was only started in 2018.
We had attempted to establish what the demand for housing is via Brentwood's own records but have not succeeded in obtaining a figure. Recently we have learnt that that your planning department policy team has been discussing local demand but they believe that the figure can only be based on the proposed development sites within the Regulation 19 Brentwood Local Plan Pre-Submission draft. Additionally this would include a figure for windfall sites expected in the area
which would account for an additional 5%.
In summary - the proposed housing for our Parish is not based on local demand, but rather on what a proposed development site could accommodate. Therefore the figure for our Parish would be R22 as the site and 57 dwellings for the yield, plus 5% for the Parish as a whole. Mountnessing Parish is adjacent to Ingatestone and Fryerning, and has been the subject of considerable new build housing in the last few years. In the current LDP a further development site is identified for 161 dwellings, amounting therefore to some 229 units that will be looking towards our Parish to meet much of its infrastructure needs, namely, pre-schools, schools, health services, parking, rail services etc. These figures are confirmed in Appendix 1 to your Addendum document.
The LDP does also identify a site for Employment close to both the sites identified above (R21 and R22). The Parish would wish to work with Brentwood Borough Council and Mountnessing Parish Council to enable this site to provide some of the infrastructure needs essential to both local communities.
Planning Department 19th November 2019
Brentwood Borough Council
Dear Sirs,
Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)
Thank you for giving the Ingatestone & Fryerning Parish Council the opportunity to comment on the
Addendum to the LDP. We recognise that the amendments do not alter the Plan's spatial strategy
but seek to respond to concerns in specific areas of the Borough by redistributing housing growth,
and it is in that context that we write.
The last time we commented comprehensively on the LDP, on 3rd March 2016 (copy attached), we
had not begun the evidence gathering for our Neighbourhood Plan, as our Neighbourhood Plan
Advisory Committee was not convened until November 2017. The research on our own housing
needs, relating to our existing 2,000 households and the requirements of our residents for the
planning period the LDP covers, was only started in 2018. We sought to work closely with the
Borough Council recognising that we are one of nine Parishes in the Borough that do not cover the
entire geographical area - the balance being directly managed by the Brentwood Borough Council
We had attempted to establish what the demand for housing is via Brentwood's own records but
have not succeeded in obtaining a figure. Recently we have learnt that that your planning
department policy team has been discussing local demand but they believe that the figure can only
be based on the proposed development sites within the Regulation 19 Brentwood Local Plan Pre-
Submission draft. Additionally this would include a figure for windfall sites expected in the area
which would account for an additional 5%.
In summary - the proposed housing for our Parish is not based on local demand, but rather on what
a proposed development site could accommodate. Therefore the figure for our Parish would be R22
as the site and 57 dwellings for the yield, plus 5% for the Parish as a whole.
Mountnessing Parish is adjacent to Ingatestone and Fryerning, and has been the subject of
considerable new build housing in the last few years. In the current LDP a further development site
is identified for 161 dwellings, amounting therefore to some 229 units that will be looking towards
our Parish to meet much of its infrastructure needs, namely, pre-schools, schools, health services,
parking, rail services etc. These figures are confirmed in Appendix 1 to your Addendum document.
The LDP does also identify a site for Employment close to both the sites identified above (R21 and
R22). The Parish would wish to work with Brentwood Borough Council and Mountnessing Parish
Council to enable this site to provide some of the infrastructure needs essential to both local
We look forward to working with you on the implementation of the LDP and being directly involved
in all pertinent discussions.
Yours faithfully
Rosemary Spouge
Assistant Clerk
Ingatestone & Fryerning Parish Council