Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)
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Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)
Policy R18: Land off Crescent Drive, Shenfield (page 290)
Representation ID: 26724
Received: 25/11/2019
Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Please see attached letter
* The Council's failure to demonstrate that the strategic requirement of National
Planning Policy Framework have need met. Therefore, the Local Plan is not
legally compliant or sound;
* That no evidence or justification has been provided by the Council to justify the
reduction in the number of units allocated of the site;
* The lack of evidence and justification behind the Council's decision to reallocate
additional housing onto a large strategic Green Belt allocation where the delivery
has already been highlighted as risk within the Sustainability Appraisal 2019; and
* The continued failure of the Council to support the full capacity of a strategic site,
despite discussion with Development Management and Statutory Consultees
which demonstrate that the site could accommodate in excess of 55 units.
Please see attached letter
Please see attached letter:
* The Council's failure to demonstrate that the strategic requirement of National
Planning Policy Framework have need met. Therefore, the Local Plan is not
legally compliant or sound;
* That no evidence or justification has been provided by the Council to justify the
reduction in the number of units allocated of the site;
* The lack of evidence and justification behind the Council's decision to reallocate
additional housing onto a large strategic Green Belt allocation where the delivery
has already been highlighted as risk within the Sustainability Appraisal 2019; and
* The continued failure of the Council to support the full capacity of a strategic site,
despite discussion with Development Management and Statutory Consultees
which demonstrate that the site could accommodate in excess of 55 units.