Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)

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Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)

Policy R01 (I): Dunton Hills Garden Village Strategic Allocation (page 252)

Representation ID: 26592

Received: 20/11/2019

Respondent: CEG Land Promotions Limited

Agent: Lichfields

Representation Summary:

CEG note the Council's proposal to increase the number of new homes to be provided for within the DHGV strategic housing allocation in the plan period to 2033. CEG considers this to be a relatively small increase in the number of new homes when compared to what was previously proposed to be provided by the end of the plan period and the total indicative capacity of the DHGV allocation overall.

Full text:

CEG note the Council's proposal to increase the number of new homes to be provided for within the DHGV strategic housing allocation in the plan period to 2033. CEG considers this to be a relatively small increase in the number of new homes when compared to what was previously proposed to be provided by the end of the plan period and the total indicative capacity of the DHGV allocation overall. The increase of 70 new homes equates to a 2.6% increase in new homes to be delivered by the end of the plan period; and is also well within the overall indicative capacity of the allocation site of around 4000 new homes that would be delivered up to and beyond 2033.

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