Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)

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Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)

Sustainability Appraisal

Representation ID: 26692

Received: 22/11/2019

Respondent: Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd

Representation Summary:

Whilst we do not wish to add to the representations already submitted on behalf of Countryside Properties, Redrow Homes, Croudace Homes and Shenfield High School, we would like to identify that this part of the allocation is now within the control of Stonebond Properties who are committed to working in partnership with the Council to deliver this part of the site at first opportunity independently from the wider allocation to boost the Council's Housing Supply. Due to the physical characteristics of the site (capable of independent access, drainage, landscaping and ecology provision) in addition to the scale of development proposed, we are confident that the scheme can come forward quickly to boost supply, without compromising the wider principles of the allocation. and which will likely be brought forward in advance of the wider site allocation.
We therefore make this representation specifically in respect of the Housing Trajectory. As is shown on the illustrative site layout attached at Appendix 1. The development of this site is not reliant upon any of the strategic site infrastructure that is required to deliver the wider allocation, with access into this parcel served by Alexander Lane. Stonebond Properties have started engagement with Essex County Council Highways in respect of access into the site.
As such, and having a controlling interest in the site, Stonebond Properties are committed to delivering 50 dwellings on the site before 2023/24 and would like to work in partnership with the Council to submit a planning application for determination upon the adoption of the Local Plan. Furthermore, should the emerging Local Plan reach a stage where the Council are confident to attach weight to emerging policies for decision making, an application may be submitted prior to adoption of the Local Plan.
We therefore request that the housing trajectory for R03 is updated to reflect the fact that this site is capable of delivery in the first five years of the plan. Indeed, the approach that the Council has taken to the housing trajectory on this site, confirming an annual delivery of 155 dwellings per year, which suggests that the Council are aware that the site will be brought forward by several developers.

Full text:

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