040 Chatham Way/ Crown Street Car Park, Brentwood

Showing comments and forms 1 to 9 of 9


Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 13577

Received: 23/03/2016

Respondent: Mrs Jill Hubbard

Representation Summary:

Against redevelopment of much-needed car-parks for housing. This will kill off Brentwood as a shopping or retail destination.

Full text:

040 Chatham Way car park
100 Baytree Centre

My concern is for the short-sightedness of any decision that would remove the multi-storey car park and/or the surface car-park at Chatham Way. Currently these are the car parks used by me and anyone else driving into the town from the South, particularly Warley. If they are redeveloped for housing solely, it would be the death-knell of Brentwood as a shopping destination during the day or as a leisure destination in the evenings. If all the additional proposed sites were to be built on in the Town Centre, there will be total grid-lock and absolutely no-where left to park for those who wish to come to Brentwood to shop in all the other shops, apart from Sainsbury.


Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 13768

Received: 30/03/2016

Respondent: Mr Gerard Smith

Representation Summary:

Object to loss of parking to housing. This will encourage people to other retail centres with more and free parking. New homes will need parking too. The housing in Regency COurt are below ground level, htere will be noise and light impact for which a Council Tax reduction should be considered.

Full text:

See attachment.


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Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 14085

Received: 29/02/2016

Respondent: Dr Robert Giles

Representation Summary:

Using the car parking space in the Chatham way car park without any additional infra-structure development to accommodate the additional needs of the people who will live in these buildings is going to bring problems with respect to health needs and education initially. What type of dwellings are proposed?
There could well be an additional 200+ cars to cater for along Crown Street; reducing the car parking facility in the Chatham Way car park seems particularly short-sighted.

Full text:

Building 200 flats within the Baytree centre and using the car parking space in the Chatham way car park without any additional infra-structure development to accommodate the additional needs of the people who will live in these buildings is going to bring problems with respect to health needs and education initially. What type of dwellings are proposed? How will these dwellings cater for families with 1 or more children? Will these be owner occupied or will most of them be sold as 'Buy to Let'? There could well be an additional 200+ cars to cater for along Crown Street; reducing the car parking facility in the Chatham Way car park seems particularly short-sighted.


Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 14086

Received: 28/02/2016

Respondent: Mr James Stonebridge

Representation Summary:

I believe that this area is already too congested and we will exacerbate already stretched road systems, causing issues with traffic and parking.

Full text:

I object to the development at the Baytree Centre (site reference 100), the properties on Crown Street (site reference 40) and the development off Priests Lane. I believe that these areas are already too congested and we will exacerbate already stretched road systems, causing issues with traffic and parking.


Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 14105

Received: 22/02/2016

Respondent: Mr. Michael R. M. Newman

Representation Summary:

039 & 040 suggest the re-use of two car-parking areas for residential property. The council should bare in mind that parking in the centre of Brentwood is already difficult to find and shoppers traveling by car need to be able to park to visit the shopping centre. If the number and variety of shops is intended to increase and attrract more shopper to the area, this need will only grow. Removing car parking facilities and not replacing them will create a major shortage of parking in Brentwood centre.

Full text:

039 & 040 suggest the re-use of two car-parking areas for residential property. The council should bare in mind that parking in the centre of Brentwood is already difficult to find and shoppers traveling by car need to be able to park to visit the shopping centre. If the number and variety of shops is intended to increase and attrract more shopper to the area, this need will only grow. Removing car parking facilities and not replacing them will create a major shortage of parking in Brentwood centre.


Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 14877

Received: 25/04/2016

Respondent: Mr James Tiff

Representation Summary:

So it has been proposed to build more flats at Chatham Way and lose majority of the car park. Have you not seen that car park at weekends? There are ever hardly any free places at weekends now let alone with the majority of the car park gone and 26 properties there instead.

The new proposed flats will increase congestion in Brentwood Town Centre.

I cannot see any way in that these properties will benefit the local residents of Brentwood. It will have detrimental effects on parking, traffic and will no doubt increase noise pollution and anti social behaviour.

Full text:

Building 226 properties in such close proximity to the town centre is not going to be beneficial for the current residents of Brentwood. Parking is going to be a major problem and there will definitely be parking overspill into local residential roads especially at weekends. So it has been proposed to build more flats at Chatham Way and lose majority of the car park. Have you not seen that car park at weekends? There are ever hardly any free places at weekends now let alone with the majority of the car park gone and 26 properties there instead.

The new proposed flats will increase congestion in Brentwood Town Centre. Since I have lived in Brentwood it is easily noticeable that the roads are more congested around Brentwood Town Centre. Lets just say that half of the residents of the new proposed flats drive. That's an additional 113 cars. A) Where are all these cars going to park? B) Wilsons Corner will be even more of a nightmare to get across than it currently is.

I am a resident of Rose Valley and after not long moving here from Kings Chase I think I will be moving again if this proposal gets the green light. The 200 extra properties at the Baytree Centre is going to bring nothing but congestion and noise down my road. Lets say for arguments sake that 150 people from these new properties will need to commute into work via Brentwood station. What is the easiest route for them to get to the station? I Well it is via Rose Valley. This is not to mention people who will be returning home late at night and using Rose Valley as a short cut.

I cannot see any way in that these properties will benefit the local residents of Brentwood. It will have detrimental effects on parking, traffic and will no doubt increase noise pollution and anti social behaviour. It is due to all the above that I feel the need to object to these proposals.



Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 15467

Received: 22/03/2016

Respondent: Thames Water

Agent: Savills UK

Representation Summary:

On the information available to date we do not envisage infrastructure concerns regarding wastewater infrastructure capability in relation to this site.

Full text:

Draft Local Plan Consultation - January 2016

Thank you for consulting Thames Water on the above document. Thames Water are the statutory sewerage undertaker for the western areas of the Borough and the statutory water undertaker for a small area of the Borough and are hence a "specific consultation body" in accordance with the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012.

Policy 10.13: Flood Risk

Thames Water fully support Policy 10.13 on flood risk and in particular requirement (e) for development to avoid flood risk by:

"(e) demonstrating that the applicant has contacted the sewerage provider to identify whether the sewerage network has adequate capacity both on and off site to serve the development and to assess the need to contribute to any additional off site connections
for the development. Where capacity is identified as insufficient, development will only be permitted if it is demonstrated that improvements will be completed prior to occupation of the development."

Development of sewerage infrastructure cannot be delivered through CIL or S106 contributions approach covered by Policy 10.7. As such Thames Water consider that this policy is necessary to ensure that any infrastructure upgrades required to the sewerage network are delivered ahead of the occupation of development.

To ensure that there is clarity over the requirements of the policy the following additional supporting text could be included:

"The Local Planning Authority will seek to ensure that there is adequate wastewater infrastructure to serve all new developments. Developers will be required to demonstrate that there is adequate capacity both on and off the site to serve the development and that it would not lead to adverse amenity impacts for existing or future users in the form of internal and external sewer flooding or pollution of land and water courses.

In some circumstances this may make it necessary for developers to carry out appropriate appraisals and reports to ascertain whether the proposed development will lead to overloading of existing waste water infrastructure. Where there is a capacity constraint the Local Planning Authority should require the developer to provide detailed drainage strategy informing what infrastructure is required, where, when and how it will be delivered."

Policy 10.14: Sustainable Drainage

Thames Water fully support policy 10.14 on sustainable drainage. Thames Water will seek to ensure that SuDS are prioritised and implemented for developments of all sizes, and support policies on surface water flow reduction from brownfield sites that will ease pressure on the sewer network regardless of the size of the development and type of SuDS implemented.

Recognising that SuDS are only one of a number of competing considerations for developers when drafting their designs, and for local planning authorities when determining applications, we have reviewed the approach we take with local planning authorities and developers. We aim to:

- Engage with developers, local planning authorities and lead local flood authorities at the earliest possible opportunity when a development is known to be likely, working collaboratively wherever possible to ensure sewer flood risk is taken into account from the outset. This will help all parties understand the extent of any work needed before a development can proceed, and the costs.

- Provide local planning authorities with clear advice; proactively highlighting areas where foul water and surface water from new developments would pose an increased risk of floods from sewers, so that the impact of new developments is reflected in planning decisions.

- Adopt a more proactive approach by designing, funding, building, adopting and maintaining SuDS ourselves, in some circumstances with contributions from other parties where appropriate to make the scheme viable.

A copy of our policy on SuDS is attached for information.

Site Specific Comments

On the basis of the information contained within the draft Local Plan in relation to site allocations Thames Water has reviewed the potential impacts on existing infrastructure. Comments on the sites are attached to this response. The impact of development on wastewater infrastructure will also depend on the timing of delivery and point of connection to the network together with development elsewhere within the catchment.

In order to ensure that the water supply and drainage requirements of development proposals are understood and that any upgrade requirements are identified, all developers should be encouraged to contact Thames Water Developer Services in advance of the submission of planning applications.
Thames Water recommend that developers engage with them at the earliest opportunity to establish the following:

* The developments demand for water supply infrastructure both on and off site and can it be met;
* The developments demand for wastewater infrastructure both on and off site and can it be met; and
* The surface water drainage requirements and flood risk of the development both on and off site and can it be met.

Site ID: 50155
Site Name: 001A & 001B - Land North Of Highwood Close including St Georges Court
Waste Response: We have concerns regarding Wastewater Services in relation to this site. Specifically, the wastewater network capacity in this area is unlikely to be able to support the demand anticipated from this development. Upgrades to the existing drainage infrastructure are likely to be required to ensure sufficient capacity is brought forward ahead of the development. Where there is a capacity constraint the Local Planning Authority should require the developer to provide a detailed drainage strategy informing what infrastructure is required, where, when and how it will be delivered. At the time planning permission is sought for development at this site we are also highly likely to request an appropriately worded planning condition to ensure the recommendations of the strategy are implemented ahead of occupation of the development. It is important not to under estimate the time required to deliver necessary infrastructure. For example: local network upgrades can take around 18 months to 3 years to design and deliver.

Site ID: 37055
Site Name: 003 - Wates Way Industrial Estate, Ongar Road, Brentwood
Waste Response: We have concerns regarding Wastewater Services in relation to this site. Specifically, the wastewater network capacity in this area is unlikely to be able to support the demand anticipated from this development. Upgrades to the existing drainage infrastructure are likely to be required to ensure sufficient capacity is brought forward ahead of the development. Where there is a capacity constraint the Local Planning Authority should require the developer to provide a detailed drainage strategy informing what infrastructure is required, where, when and how it will be delivered. At the time planning permission is sought for development at this site we are also highly likely to request an appropriately worded planning condition to ensure the recommendations of the strategy are implemented ahead of occupation of the development. It is important not to under estimate the time required to deliver necessary infrastructure. For example: local network upgrades can take around 18 months to 3 years to design and deliver.

Site ID: 37063
Site Name: 013B - Warley Training Centre, Essex Way, Warley
Waste Response: We have concerns regarding Wastewater Services in relation to this site. Specifically, the wastewater network capacity in this area is unlikely to be able to support the demand anticipated from this development. Upgrades to the existing drainage infrastructure are likely to be required to ensure sufficient capacity is brought forward ahead of the development. Where there is a capacity constraint the Local Planning Authority should require the developer to provide a detailed drainage strategy informing what infrastructure is required, where, when and how it will be delivered. At the time planning permission is sought for development at this site we are also highly likely to request an appropriately worded planning condition to ensure the recommendations of the strategy are implemented ahead of occupation of the development. It is important not to under estimate the time required to deliver necessary infrastructure. For example: local network upgrades can take around 18 months to 3 years to design and deliver.

Site ID: 48737
Site Name: 022 - Land At Honeypot Lane, Brentwood
Waste Response: We have concerns regarding Wastewater Services in relation to this site. Specifically, the wastewater network capacity in this area is unlikely to be able to support the demand anticipated from this development. Upgrades to the existing drainage infrastructure are likely to be required to ensure sufficient capacity is brought forward ahead of the development. Where there is a capacity constraint the Local Planning Authority should require the developer to provide a detailed drainage strategy informing what infrastructure is required, where, when and how it will be delivered. At the time planning permission is sought for development at this site we are also highly likely to request an appropriately worded planning condition to ensure the recommendations of the strategy are implemented ahead of occupation of the development. It is important not to under estimate the time required to deliver necessary infrastructure. For example: local network upgrades can take around 18 months to 3 years to design and deliver.

Site ID: 50159
Site Name: 032 - Land East Of Nags Head Lane, Brentwood
Waste Response: On the information available to date we do not envisage infrastructure concerns regarding wastewater infrastructure capability in relation to this site.

Site ID: 37064
Site Name: 039 - Westbury Road Car Park, Westbury Road, Brentwood
Waste Response: On the information available to date we do not envisage infrastructure concerns regarding wastewater infrastructure capability in relation to this site.

Site ID: 37065
Site Name: 040 - Chatham Way/Crown Street Car Park, Brentwood
Waste Response: On the information available to date we do not envisage infrastructure concerns regarding wastewater infrastructure capability in relation to this site.

Site ID: 37067
Site Name: 041 - Land at Hunter House, Western Road, Brentwood
Waste Response: On the information available to date we do not envisage infrastructure concerns regarding wastewater infrastructure capability in relation to this site.

Site ID: 50156
Site Name: 044 & 178 - Land At Priests Lane, Brentwood
Waste Response: We have concerns regarding Wastewater Services in relation to this site. Specifically, the wastewater network capacity in this area is unlikely to be able to support the demand anticipated from this development. Upgrades to the existing drainage infrastructure are likely to be required to ensure sufficient capacity is brought forward ahead of the development. Where there is a capacity constraint the Local Planning Authority should require the developer to provide a detailed drainage strategy informing what infrastructure is required, where, when and how it will be delivered. At the time planning permission is sought for development at this site we are also highly likely to request an appropriately worded planning condition to ensure the recommendations of the strategy are implemented ahead of occupation of the development. It is important not to under estimate the time required to deliver necessary infrastructure. For example: local network upgrades can take around 18 months to 3 years to design and deliver.

Site ID: 50158
Site Name: 099 - Victoria Court, Victoria Road, Brentwood
Waste Response: On the information available to date we do not envisage infrastructure concerns regarding wastewater infrastructure capability in relation to this site.

Site ID: 37077
Site Name: 100 - Baytree Centre, Brentwood
Waste Response: We have concerns regarding Wastewater Services in relation to this site. Specifically, the wastewater network capacity in this area is unlikely to be able to support the demand anticipated from this development. Upgrades to the existing drainage infrastructure are likely to be required to ensure sufficient capacity is brought forward ahead of the development. Where there is a capacity constraint the Local Planning Authority should require the developer to provide a detailed drainage strategy informing what infrastructure is required, where, when and how it will be delivered. At the time planning permission is sought for development at this site we are also highly likely to request an appropriately worded planning condition to ensure the recommendations of the strategy are implemented ahead of occupation of the development. It is important not to under estimate the time required to deliver necessary infrastructure. For example: local network upgrades can take around 18 months to 3 years to design and deliver.



Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 15823

Received: 11/05/2016

Respondent: Essex County Council

Representation Summary:

ECC has undertaken a high level assessment of the proposed sites identified in Figure 7.2 - Housing Land Allocations. Results for site:
Within Fooding Hotspot: No
Within EA UFMfSW: No
Number of Properties at Risk: N/A
The adopted SuDs Design Guide should be used with regards to appropriate standards for mitigation measures.

Full text:

See attached



Draft Local Plan

Representation ID: 16481

Received: 19/05/2016

Respondent: CPREssex

Agent: Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) Brentwood Branch

Representation Summary:

We believe the retention of this car park is essential as Brentwood grows, and that in any event the area forms part of the diminishing attractive character of central Brentwood.

Full text:

See attached.
