
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 9440

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Miss Grace Ault

Representation Summary:

There is already far too many kids being knocked down because of the amount of cars using Brentwood.

Full text:

Q1: All should be kept to a minimum.

Q4: A127 growth corridor impacts on traffic flow on A128 between A127 and Brentwood which is already beyond capacity at most times of the day.

Q5: Yes.

Q6: No developing anywhere.

Q7: Yes.

Q8: Yes.

Scenic Beauty/Attractiveness: 5
Outdoor Recreation/Leisure Use: 4
Wildlife Interest: 5
Historic Interest: 4
Tranquility: 5

Houses: 4
Commercial/ Industrial buildings: 1
Nature Reserves/Wildlife: 3
Farmland: 3
Woodland: 3
Degraded/Derelict/Waste Land: 1
Infrastructure: 3
Leisure/Recreation Facilities: 3

Q12: There is already far too many kids being knocked down because of the amount of cars using Brentwood.
