
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 6734

Received: 11/02/2015

Respondent: Mrs Janis Smith

Representation Summary:

The Brentwood Surgeries, and Dentists, are full to Brim and also you have a wait of nearly 2 weeks for an appt.

Full text:

I would like to objection to the above proposed development, We may well have a thriving community, here with village hall, church, shops, play area Doctors Surgery, but I do not consider it could sustain another 50 houses in the village. Only today, I have had to ring the surgery, for my repeat prescriptions,to be told, these have to be reviewed, and the earliest appt is the 2nd of March, so I will be out of my medications before then, and there is nothing else on offer, other than trying every morning to ring at 8.30 for cancellations. There is certainly not enough parking for the shops as it stands, or the school times in the morning and afternoons, are absolutely horrendous, without adding extra people living in the village, needing doctors, schools, etc. That is without the extra cars on the roads, which is madness as it is.

I fully understand there needs to be new housing, particularly for first time buyers, as it is getting to the point, when trying to get on the property ladder, is almost out of the question in Brentwood and surrounding areas. The Brentwood Surgeries, and Dentists, are full to Brim and also you have a wait of nearly 2 weeks for an appt. Parking is horrendous, especially now with the intake of people who come from all over, following the series 'The ony way is Essex'., Our highstreet, has no decent shops, its especially full of pubs eateries, banks and building society and charity shops, There is absolutely nothing for the teenagers to do at weekends. I have lived in Brentwood all my life, bringing up my family who also live in Hutton. Back in those days we had a choice of two cinemas in the High Street, and different clubs to go to in the surrounding areas, for teenagers, now there is nothing. I understand there is also the possibility of restaurants, at the end of the High Street, on the Charles Napier Pub Site, Already there are flats being built in Crown Street, and also now the Post Office to become another restaurant, and also Clement Joycelyn premises. This is all very well, but with the financial situation for families as it is now most people cannot afford to eat out regularly anyway, I appreciate 'Travellers@ need designated areas to rest, with facilities such as showers and toilets, and I agree with this, as they would then have to pay some form of rent as such for the use of. After All, they are only a different 'race' of people, and should be given the courtesy of somewhere to stop and rest for a while, rather than having to stay on farmers fields, and the side of the roads, unlawfully. Every race, or type of person, has the right to good and fit for purpose living facilities. Our own Highstreet is a danger zone, to walk on where the bricks are lifting and moving, and that should never have happened, considering what it cost to be done. In the village of Doddinghurst where I live, there has been new equipment for the children in the play area, and according to the Gazette, it cost £80000, This is horrendous, there is not way, new play equipment, being installed, can be justified to the cost of £80000,. so I also think that more time and consideration should be taken to spending public money at exorbitant prices, when I am sure they can be completed for much less money and there is not even a bench for mums/nans/grandads, to sit on, while watching the children play.
Well rant and objection duly sent, from not just this email address, but on behalf of a lot of other villagers, who are concerned about what is to become of our lovely country village. Having seen the changes of the 60 odd years I have lived here, I have to say we are really concerned about the outcome of the localplan for the area