
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 6492

Received: 05/03/2015

Respondent: Theresa Webster

Representation Summary:

Large numbers of houses built in any of the indicated areas will inevitably put a huge strain on the A127 and A128, and more importantly on Basildon Hospital, which as we all know is already severely overstretched.

Full text:

Dear Sirs,

I am writing with regard to Brentwood's Strategic Growth Options Plan.

I am resident in Ingrave and wish to voice my concern and disapproval of the plans to build residential housing on greenbelt land. If any of the listed proposals are given the go ahead a precedent will be set and we will find ourselves heading towards becoming part of yet another "urban sprawl".

Additionally, large numbers of houses built in any of the indicated areas will inevitably put a huge strain on the A127 and A128, and more importantly on Basildon Hospital, which as we all know is already severely overstretched.

With my thanks in anticipation of your attention to my comments,

Yours faithfully,
Theresa Webster (Mrs)