
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 5939

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Lisa Connell

Representation Summary:

Local schools are already at maximum capacity or there abouts. Where would these children brought into the villages be educated? DIS and no doubt others are already finding the restrictions on school finances a problem to control. How will additional children in the area assist this?

Public transport links are extremely limited with just one bus service into Brentwood.

Roads into the villages are limited with continuous road repairs needed, continuous flooding in winter months. Roads such as Mountnessing Lane, Pettits Lane, Wyatts Green Road to name just a few.

Parking at Doddinghurst schools is already a problem at drop off and pick up times, with cars using both the shops and public house as an overflow.

The doctors surgery is already struggling at full capacity. Trying to get an appointment to see a GP is a very timely and difficult procedure.

In addition to this and on a private note, it must be considered that people choose to live in a village to benefit from the small niche community a village live brings. By extending the village you are removing this benefit, if people wanted to live in a town they would not have chosen Doddinghurst and the surrounding parishes.

Full text:

I am responding in relation to the planning development to the local Brentwood Villages as a Governor of Doddinghurst Infant School.

I was made aware of these plans only last week by the letter sent to the houses within the Blackmore Parish. Given the importance and severe impact such decision will make, it is important that all residents in all local parishes are kept up to date with the publicity of these plans.

Needless to say I object to such plans. My reasons for my objection include the following:-

Local schools are already at maximum capacity or there abouts. Where would these children brought into the villages be educated? DIS and no doubt others are already finding the restrictions on school finances a problem to control. How will addition children in the area assist this?

Public transport links are extremely limited with just one bus service into Brentwood.

Roads into the villages are limited with continuos road repairs needed, continuous flooding in winter months. Roads such as Mountnessing Lane, Pettits Lane, Wyatts Green Road to name just a few.

Parking at Doddinghurst schools is already a problem at drop off and pick up times, with cars using both the shops and public house as an overflow.

The doctors surgery is already struggling at full capacity. Trying to get an appointment to see a GP is a very timely and difficult procedure.

In addition to this and on a private note, it must be considered that people choose to live in a village to benefit from the small niche community a village live brings. By extending the village you are removing this benefit, if people wanted to live in a town they would not have chose Doddinghurst and the surrounding parishes.

If you need anything further from me please do not hesitate to contact me on this email address or on my telephone number.