
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 5865

Received: 12/02/2015

Respondent: Anglian Water

Representation Summary:

All developments should adhere to the drainage hierarchy and utilise sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) as much as possible. Disposal to the public surface water piped network should be seen as a last resort. Under no circumstances will surface water be accepted into the foul sewerage network. It is noted that Brentwood propose to develop around 2500 dwellings on brownfield sites and this could be an opportunity to reduce the overall flood risk in Brentwood through re-development by applying the same design standards on developments on previously developed sites as undeveloped sites. Evidence that the developments had followed the surface water management hierarchy will help to ensure infiltration is considered ahead of maintaining connection to sewers. Early engagement is key to ensuring adequate surface water management measures are included.

Full text:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the strategic growth options.

Please find attached RAG sheet summarising Anglian Water's initial thoughts on the sites included in Appendix 1:'List of Suggested Sites'. It should be noted each site is assessed individually and the collective impact of sites on the Water Recycling Centre ( previously referred to as Sewage Treatment Works or Wastewater Treatment) or the foul sewerage network for sites in the same catchment has not been assessed.


It is noted sites 028b,30,34,36,38b,107,173,179,183,192 and 215 all have pumping stations on site or close by. A 15 metre distance between the boundary of the pumping station and the curtilage of any new dwelling should be maintained in order to reduce the risk of nuisance or loss of amenity. The design layout should take this into account.

Surface Water disposal
All developments should adhere to the drainage hierarchy and utilise sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) as much as possible. Disposal to the public surface water piped network should be seen as a last resort. Under no circumstances will surface water be accepted into the foul sewerage network. It is noted that Brentwood propose to develop around 2500 dwellings on brownfield sites and this could be an opportunity to reduce the overall flood risk in Brentwood through re-development by applying the same design standards on developments on previously developed sites as undeveloped sites. Evidence that the developments had followed the surface water management hierarchy will help to ensure infiltration is considered ahead of maintaining connection to sewers. Early engagement is key to ensuring adequate surface water management measures are included.

Pre development service
We offer a pre development service to developers and would encourage the prospective developer to contact us at the earliest opportunity to discuss drainage requirements to serve their proposal. Details including application form can be found at:
