
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 5794

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Terry Higgins

Representation Summary:

Traffic congestion has deteriorated considerably over recent years & whilst reference is made to the A127, A12 and M25 there doesn't appear to be any reference to A128, which already seems at full capacity & therefore developments to this part of Brentwood should be limited.

Full text:

I only yesterday received notification by delivery of a newsletter produced by the local parish council of the above, having received no communication from Brentwood council.

Having read the paper, the following obversations should be noted

Traffic congestion along the A128 has deteriorated considerably over recent years & whilst reference is made to the A127, A12 & M25; there doesn't appear to be any reference to A128, which already seems at full capacity & therefore developments to this part of Brentwood should be limited.

Whilst reference is made to Brentwood enjoying the 6th highest total area of Green belt in the country, this is something that should be applauded & protected for future generations.

It appears that a large number of residents commute to London to work. Therefore,, brown field sites & change of use from commercial to residential should take priority over development on both agricultural & green belt.

We moved to Herongate to enjoy village life & the use of two beautiful country parks. It seems that the proposed plans will move Brentwood one step nearer to becoming part of Greater London.