
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 5735

Received: 16/02/2015

Respondent: Michelle Jones

Representation Summary:


Full text:

Q1: Do you agree with the broad areas, for the purpose of considering approaches to growth?
No X



Q2: Do you agree with the issues raised within each of these areas?

No X



Q3: Do you have any comments on the appropriateness of particular sites?

Yes X

Sites 209, 043,080,188 are not appropriate for development sites - there are already significant safety issues with the crossroads adjacent to these proposed development areas and an increase in vehicular movements would only prove to exacerbate the problem. The sites are very rural and there is no connectivity in terms of cycle routes or pedestrian routes to the neighbouring village, so residents are more likely to use conventional forms of transport because of distance and safety issues. Site 209 is also open fields at the moment and development of these would have both a detrimental effect in terms of environmental impact on the area and views for the neighbouring properties.


Q4: Given the greater capacity for growth along the A127 corridor, which of the sites put forward do you think is the best location for growth?



Q5: Should the A12 corridor accommodate growth by releasing sites on the edge of urban areas?
Yes X


This would be more appropriate than the rural areas depending on improvements to local infrastructure and connectivity to arterial routes and M25 junctions


Q6: In order to provide for local need is it preferable for Greenfield sites on the edge of villages to be released, or to develop brownfield sites (both within the Green Belt)?


Development of brownfield sites


Q7: To enable future employment need to be met do you agree that the most sustainable approach is to allocate new sites close to the strategic highway network?
Yes X


For the purpose of transport and commuting.


Q8: In order to ensure that the Town Centre remains economically sustainable, do you agree that a "Town Centre First" approach should be taken to retail development?
Yes X



Q9: Are there opportunities for more open space provision in the area where you live?


No X



Q10: Please rate the level to which you value the landscape near where you live (on a scale of 1 to 5), as compared to other areas within Brentwood Borough, for the following aspects:
Aspect: Very Low Low Average High Very High
Scenic Beauty / Attractivness 1 2 3 4 5X
Outdoor Recreation / Leisure Use 1 2 3 4 5X
Wildlife Interest 1 2 3 4 5X
Historic Interest 1 2 3 4 5X
Tranquility 1 2 3 4 5X
Other - please specify:

............RURAL............................. 1 2 3 4 5X


Q11: To what extent do you think the following are present in the landscape near where you live (on a scale of 1 to 4):
Aspect: Absent Occasional Frequent Predominant
Houses 1 2 3 4X
Commercial / Industrial buildings 2X 3 4
Nature Reserves / Wildlife 1 2 3 4X
Farmland 1 2 3 4X
Woodland 1 2 3 4X
Degraded / Derelict / Waste land 1 X 3 4
Infastructure (Road / Rail / Pylons etc.) 1 2X 3 4
Leisure / Recreation Facilities 1 2X 3 4
Other - please specify:

......................................... 1 2 3 4


Q12: Have we considered the main infrastructure issues? Are there other important issues to consider?



Q13: What do you think the priorities for infrastructure spending should be?
