
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 5609

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Lisa Huby

Representation Summary:

Site 143: It would put more strain on the Doctors surgery, which at present is difficult to get an appointment when needed.

Doddinghurst Infants and Junior school is a wonderful little Village school, but at present my 2 children's classes have 30 children which is the maximum, where would all these new children go?

Full text:

It has come to my attention that there is a proposed development of land at end of Peartree Lane and Lime Grove of up to 50 dwellings under the council's strategic growth plan.
Firstly I want to vent my anger that this proposed development was bought to my attention by a neighbour and not Brentwood Council, considering this has I believe been planned since 2013 without any consultation to immediate neighbours who will be considerably impacted.

I wish to make you aware of a number of strong objections that I have with regard to the proposed development of additional properties to the land at end of Peartree Lane and Lime Grove. As an immediate neighbour to the site of the proposed development, we are of the view that the proposed development will have a serious impact on our standard of living. Our specific objections are as follows:

I would like to oppose the development of this site on the below factors:-

1) I will no longer be able to let my children play out as their safety will be compromised , firstly due to the building work that these dwellings will entail along with lorries and diggers etc. and then once building have been completed and houses inhabitated , there will be faster and more traffic to get to the new development. The proposal would demonstrably harm the amenities enjoyed by local residents, in particular safe and available on-road parking , valuable green space , privacy, and the right to enjoy a quiet and safe residential environment.

2) Lime Grove is a narrow road and parking is already an issue, with all new housing developments the key is to put as many houses onto an one area as possible and thus compromising on parking allocations , this I would imagine these new dwellings cars parking leaking into Lime Grove and Peartree Lane. Insufficient parking space will adversely affect the amenity of surrounding properties through roadside parking on this narrow road.

3) It would also put more strain on the Doctors surgery, which at present is difficult to get an appointment when needed.

4) Doddinghurst Infants and Junior school is a wonderful little Village school, but at present my 2 children's classes have 30 children which is the maximum, where would all these new children go?

5) I would also like to know what kind of housing is being proposed - Is it private builder or social housing.

I do hope that all the objections will be taken seriously and we as residents will be kept up to date with all progress on this issue.