
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 5577

Received: 25/02/2015

Respondent: Jane McCarthy

Representation Summary:

All the mentioned ones will have to be thought about with all the extra housing that has to be built. The problem we have is that we lose what people liked about Brentwood and the villages, but then again that is progress (or so they say!!!) we become just another town, which is a shame as that is why I moved out of Leytonstone to get away from the noise and over crowding. I wanted peace and quite and countryside. One of the more important 'green infrastructure' spaces is the Hopefield Animal Sanctuary which gives a country space in a town and brings so much wellbeing to everyone that visits. Its cheap to get to and educational and families can bring a packed lunch on a sunny day and stay ands play for hours, is it really progress taking that away - I for one don't think so.

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