
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 5173

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Ms Linda Campbell

Representation Summary:

Billericay Road which cannot accommodate present traffic flow as it is! The A128 is gridlocked most days and there have been several accidents on this stretch of road involving school children. This is also going to impact greatly on the current traffic overburdened A127.

There is no infrastructure in place to accommodate either traffic or residents from these new proposed developments.

Full text:

I object to the above SGO development plan on the basis that the land earmarked is protected greenbelt and farmland. I live in Billericay Road which cannot accommodate present traffic flow as it is! The A128 is gridlocked most days and there have been several accidents on this stretch of road involving school children. This is also going to impact greatly on the current traffic overburdened A127.

There is no infrastructure in place to accommodate either traffic or residents from these new proposed developments. I.e, primary/secondary schools are already oversubscribed and full to capacity as are the doctors surgeries and hospitals, local services and amenities.

The said greenbelt is a natural habitat for many wildlife species and there is no special circumstances to build on this land.

These development plans will de-value current housing in the area and turn the villages into urban sprawl. This is completely un-acceptable. I have lived here for almost 20 years and chose to live in a village environment. Let's not change the character and charm of these villages.