
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 5065

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Julie Gardner

Representation Summary:

You cannot just build houses and homes and not build more schools, hospitals, doctors surgeries and other facilities. The local NHS facilities are already stretched in this area, why make it more difficult. Has the increase in traffic been considered. Our roads are in a bad enough state without more traffic on our roads and country lanes.

Full text:

I object to the Brentwood Strategic Growth Options Consultation that is currently being debated. I have lived in Hook End a small hamlet outside Brentwood town for 7 years now, and I love living here. It is green, with wide open spaces and plenty of woodland walks. This cherished countryside offers me and my family, including the dog, much needed fitness, leisure and relaxation time.

I understand the need for more homes, but that need must not be allowed to take the place of our green belt areas. These must be protected at all costs. There is too much at stake and we will lose too much if these proposals go ahead. We need agricultural and grazing land for food. We need space for grass, hedgerows, meadows and ponds for the multitude of wildlife that inhabits the Essex countryside. We know from past experience that if you keep building, taking away green space, concreting it over that does irreversible harm to the environment.

Then there is the need for other services? You cannot just build houses, and homes and not build more schools, hospitals, doctors surgeries and other facilities. The local NHS facilities are already stretched in this area, why make it more difficult.

Has the increase in traffic, been considered. Our roads are in a bad enough state without even more, heavy traffic continuously thundering over our roads and country lanes.

So why do we need to do it? There must be other areas to look at.

I hope that my objection to the current plan is heard.