
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 5042

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Barry and Hazel Johnson

Representation Summary:

We fail to see how the Council can properly have considered certain aspects of the local plan without having the appropriate evidence, (full list attached.) Furthermore the OAN says in paragraph 6.1 "The OAN is the starting point, following the Planning Practice Guidance is the latest set of household projections. However these are currently delayed." It seems inappropriate to move ahead without this important information. The suggested figure is triple former local plan targets, and around double RSS targets, and far in excess of delivery in the last 10-15 years. Furthermore the updated NLP report after testing the 362 figure for jobs, that 362 pa delivered more than the "policy off" Experian baseline. The key statistic in the OAN report which drives the need for change is very subjective and not borne out of any prior experience.

Full text:

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