
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 4989

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Stephanie Gordon

Representation Summary:

Development would certainly incrase congestion in the area, which is already bad enough. The current school situation is bad enough, without adding to this stress for parents by building homes in the area and adding pressure for places.

Full text:

I wish to note my objection to Brentwood Council's Strategic Growth Options Consultation for a number of reasons. Firstly I do not wish to see the surrounding green belt area destroyed which is one of the reason we moved to the village. In addition, it would most certainly increase congestion in the area which is bad enough as it is. I am also concerned about the effect of the future value of my property in Ingrave as I feel I paid a premium for my property in Whitby Avenue because of the self-contained village feel, which is sure to be lost if this development goes ahead. Finally, the school situation in Ingrave and indeed brentwood is difficult enough to without adding to this stress for parents by building more houses in the area and adding to the pressure for places.

For here reasons it would be an absolute travesty if this building work went ahead our lively greenbelt. Green areas are scarce enough in this corner of the uk and we at lucky enough to live in one. Why would we want to change that. I feel it would only be to the detriment of the local area not to mention Ingrave and Hutton.