
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 4933

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Bartholomew Campbell

Representation Summary:

I cannot believe that you are also considering making the a127 and a128 busier than they already are. The roads are already gridlocked and dangerous, developing on this land will make matters worse. I commute to work on my bike and have encountered several near misses on both the a127 and a128. The roads are already overpopulated and dangerous and cannot accommodate traffic at present.

There is no infrastructure in place to accommodate these new proposed developments. - primary & secondary schools are already oversubscribed and full to capacity so are doctors surgeries, dentist and local hospitals and other services.

Full text:

I am logging my objection to the above SGO.

Firstly this is precious protected by law greenbelt land, it homes our much needed wildlife. The farmland is equally as precious as it is ancient land. Heron Hall I understand is a listed building? There are no special circumstances to allow building on this greenbelt/ farmbelt.

I cannot believe that you are also considering making both the a127 and a128 busier than they already are. The roads are already gridlocked and dangerous and developing on this land, providing more housing will make matters worse. I also commute to work on my bike each day and have encountered several near misses on both the a127 and a128. The roads are already overpopulated and dangerous and cannot accommodate traffic at present.

There is no infrastructure in place to accommodate these new proposed developments. - primary & secondary schools are already oversubscribed and full to capacity so are doctors surgeries, dentist and local hospitals and other services.

These development plans will de-value current housing in the area and as a homeowner in the village for 20 years I am extremely angry that you are proposing these developments. I live here because I enjoy village life. Let's keep things that way.

I would also like to add that my whole family feel that the whole consultation procedure has been rather underhanded and most residents in the village are uninformed due to the councils negligence to provide important information regarding their surroundings. The questionnaire is completely flawed and the whole local plan appears to be for monetary gain only. The local plan goes against common sense and logic.