
Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)

Representation ID: 23811

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Mr Carl Croll

Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 3.21 (b) of the PSLP states that brownfield opportunities will be taken to effectively meet local needs, such as the residential-led, mixed-use redevelopment of existing industrial land in West Horndon. We agree with this approach.

Full text:

This representation is made on behalf of C & K Property, submitted as part of the Brentwood Borough Council Proposed Submission Local Plan (PSLP) Consultation (Regulation 19). The site associated with their land interests is east of Horndon Industrial Park, West Horndon. A location plan showing the site boundary can be found at Appendix A. This representation seeks to confirm our support for the plan insofar as those interests outlined above. The site is part of a wider site allocation for residential development, which is proposed for allocation through the Pre-Submission Local Plan (February 2019). The policy reference for the wider site is Policy R02. The site measures at approximately 0.8ha. The whole allocation under Policy R02 measures at 17.06ha. This representation is based solely on our client's land interests and its allocation for residential development. The statement does not represent the wider site outside of the red line, as shown at Appendix A. Our client's site is referenced as Site 152 in the Council's Emerging Local Plan and Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (2018). Site 152 has been actively promoted by C & K Property throughout the plan-making process. Previous representations have been made at various stages of the Local Plan, including in relation to call for sites exercises and consultations on iterations of the Local Plan. The HELAA (2018) confirms that the site is suitable, available and achievable for residential and employment development. In the previous Preferred Site Allocations Document (Regulation 18), there were some minor inconsistencies regarding the extent of the site proposed for allocation when compared to the client's land ownership. Following Strutt & Parker's previously submitted representations, we are happy to confirm that these inconsistencies no longer remain. The Proposed Submission Local Plan Document confirms that the whole site can accommodate up to 580 dwellings. It is considered that due to the sustainable nature of the site, a high density could be achieved on our client's parcel. A density of circa. 70 dwellings per hectare, resulting in a proposed capacity of around 60 new homes would allow the site to further contribute to the Borough's housing need. Our client's site is available for residential development and deliverable within the short-term. By coming forward in the short-term, the site could aid the Borough's shortfall in housing supply. Subject to the progress of the intended masterplan process as set out at Policy R02, there is an opportunity to bring forward the site earlier in the plan period. Paragraph 3.21 (b) of the PSLP states that brownfield opportunities will be taken to effectively meet local needs, such as the residential-led, mixed-use redevelopment of existing industrial land in West Horndon. We agree with this approach. The allocation of the site at West Horndon for residential development does represent a sustainable and deliverable proposal to help meet local housing needs over the coming plan period. We support the allocation at West Horndon Industrial and are prepared to work with the landowners of the adjacent site to bring forward a masterplan for the allocated wider site.
