
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 12839

Received: 26/02/2015

Respondent: Mr Thomas Kelly

Representation Summary:

First issue to look at is 'How many homes should Brentwood build?', the 'where?' should follow this. Don't need to build 5,500 new homes, this is a self-imposed number. Can legitimately build as few as 2,500 homes - the number that can be delivered without building on Green Belt. Building on Green Belt is a choice, not an obligation. 2,500 new homes would satisfy Brentwood's own 'Natural Growth' requirements twice over, so why choose to develop more than this? Targets are not government imposed as has been suggested.

Full text:

I wish to strongly object to this consultation. The first issue to look at is 'How many homes should Brentwood build?', the 'where?' should follow on from this. They don't need to build 5500 as the article says, 5500 is a self-imposed number. They can legitimately build as few as 2500 homes - the number they can deliver without building on Green Belt. Building on Green Belt is a choice, not an obligation. 2500 would satisfy Brentwood's own 'Natural Growth' requirements twice over, so why on earth choose to develop more than this? They are not government imposed as has been suggested.
