
Strategic Growth Options

Representation ID: 10477

Received: 11/02/2015

Respondent: Mr P.M. Creighton

Representation Summary:

'Style' green spaces, public transport, local community cohesion. By this I mean meeting the needs of young/old.

Full text:

Q5: Yes - All developments should be in keeping with local needs and "blend in".

Q6: Develop brownfield sites.

Q7: Yes - Provided the highway network is well maintained and modified to meet increased needs.

Q8: Yes - "Core need" should be met in the town centre other needy services on the fringe.

Q12: Yes - 'Style' green spaces, public transport, local community cohesion. By this I mean meeting the needs of young/old.

Q13: Look at what makes Brentwood a attractive for, living in, leisure, work, education, health, open spaces, and make sure you protect and improve.
