Call for Sites

Ended on the 4 March 2024

Call for Sites

As part of the Brentwood Local Plan Review, the Council are inviting submissions of potentially developable land. This could be land for a range of types of development or to form part of the Council’s Green Infrastructure Network including off site Biodiversity Net Gain. This is known as the 'Call for sites'.

The call for sites will not determine how much new development we need, or whether a site should be allocated for development. It is simply an opportunity for local residents, community groups, business operators, landowners and developers to suggest sites that they would like to be considered as part of the preparation of the Brentwood Local Plan Review.

Guidelines for submission

  • Please complete a separate submission form for each site
  • Please include as much information as you can about the site, including your connection to the site - use the web map within this form to identify your land using the drawing tool
  • Sites can be put forward by any individual or organisation
  • Please do not send in details of sites outside of the Brentwood Borough Council boundary
  • To use this online form you will need to set up an account. This option will be given to you below

Site Submission

Please click on the blue icon to the left to open the Call for Sites form.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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