
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications

Representation ID: 30706

Received: 09/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Eileen Piper

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

Proposed building of 70 houses is one of worst locations to build to meet BBC strategy aims. It is on Green Belt land. Village is inaccessible. Will be large increase in road traffic, pollution etc which goes against BBC strategy and central Government strategy and against fighting climate change. The only reason Blackmore has been chosen is it was developer led, as village is desirable to developers as they sell houses at a premium. But BBC should not be led by developers, sheer laziness/competence by BBC. Have lived in Doddinghurst over 40 years but it has no village structure as it has been over developed. We go to Blackmore for social events as it still has village community. Don't destroy it.

Full text:

See attached representation
