Preferred Site Allocations 2018

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Preferred Site Allocations 2018


Representation ID: 18230

Received: 12/03/2018

Respondent: Uttlesford District Council

Representation Summary:

UDC agrees with and supports the vision and supporting paragraphs (26 and 27) which sets out that Brentwood are "committed to enabling new growth in the borough that meets our development needs, but in a way that maintains and enhances our unique local character".

UDC supports Brentwood's position of meeting its housing needs within the district, and its consideration of how to continue to do so if housing requirements are increased.

Full text:

UDC agrees with and supports the vision and supporting paragraphs (26 and 27) which sets out that Brentwood are "committed to enabling new growth in the borough that meets our development needs, but in a way that maintains and enhances our unique local character".

UDC supports Brentwood's position of meeting its housing needs within the district, and its consideration of how to continue to do so if housing requirements are increased.



Preferred Site Allocations 2018

Housing Need

Representation ID: 18231

Received: 12/03/2018

Respondent: Uttlesford District Council

Representation Summary:

UDC supports paragraphs 38 to 68. These paragraphs set out the scale of need in Brentwood in the latest SHMA (7,600 dwellings), and the supply set out in the new plan to meet that need (8,263 dwellings). The plan also makes reference to potential higher figures coming through the government's standardised methodology and how they can seek to meet this need (through accelerating the delivery of Dunton Hills Garden Village).

UDC supports Brentwood's position of meeting its housing needs within the district, and its consideration of how to continue to do so if housing requirements are increased.

Full text:

UDC supports paragraphs 38 to 68. These paragraphs set out the scale of need in Brentwood in the latest SHMA (7,600 dwellings), and the supply set out in the new plan to meet that need (8,263 dwellings). The plan also makes reference to potential higher figures coming through the government's standardised methodology and how they can seek to meet this need (through accelerating the delivery of Dunton Hills Garden Village).

UDC supports Brentwood's position of meeting its housing needs within the district, and its consideration of how to continue to do so if housing requirements are increased.


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