Preferred Site Allocations 2018
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Preferred Site Allocations 2018
Housing Need
Representation ID: 19794
Received: 12/03/2018
Respondent: Wincer Kievenaar Architects Limited
During the call for sites Wincer Kievenaar Architects Limited submitted an application on behalf of Magdalene Farms for residential development. The total site area is 17.1-ha allowing for a site has capacity to deliver approximately 350 new homes, and would make a significant contribution to BBC's housing land supply. The Council has not given a reason as to why this site has not been included.
Preferred Site Allocations 2018
Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment
Representation ID: 19795
Received: 12/03/2018
Respondent: Wincer Kievenaar Architects Limited
On page 15 of the SA, 'North of Brentwood' is described as a potential strategic site
allocation. We would welcome the sites inclusion as part of a strategic site allocation, should this not be a preferred option. We would request that in the absence of a strategic site allocation, that the site is considered as part of the Green Belt site selection process (sites on edge of urban areas), and is considered for its short term delivery potential.