Preferred Site Allocations 2018
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Preferred Site Allocations 2018
027 Land adjacent to Carmel, Mascalls Lane, Warley
Representation ID: 19897
Received: 10/03/2018
Respondent: Wiggins Gee Homes Ltd
Agent: David Russell Associates
Site 027 was originally included in the 2011 SHLAA with an estimated capacity of 30 dwellings. It is back in the preferred site list with a capacity of 9. We think
this should be included in the overall windfall allowance, and the Green Belt boundary altered accordingly.
See attached.
Preferred Site Allocations 2018
Spatial Strategy
Representation ID: 19898
Received: 10/03/2018
Respondent: Wiggins Gee Homes Ltd
Agent: David Russell Associates
Sites 158, 106 and 263 do not appear in the 2011 SHLAA, the 2013 Preferred Options document or the 2016 Draft Plan, so we assume they are being presented here for the first time as potential housing land allocations.
See attached.
Preferred Site Allocations 2018
Spatial Strategy
Representation ID: 19899
Received: 10/03/2018
Respondent: Wiggins Gee Homes Ltd
Agent: David Russell Associates
Land at Crow Green Lane (site 159) should be allocated. It is a very sustainable location in terms of access to local community and commercial facilities . It is well served by existing public transport services. It is situated immediately adjacent to an established residential area. It has clearly defined defensible boundaries. There is an existing access point and can be serviced by all the utilities. It is in one ownership. It is readily available.
See attached.
Preferred Site Allocations 2018
Spatial Strategy
Representation ID: 19900
Received: 10/03/2018
Respondent: Wiggins Gee Homes Ltd
Agent: David Russell Associates
The Council identified a lack of playspace/amenity area in Pilgrims Hatch. This has yet to be rectified. This could simply be incorporated into any final scheme on our clients' land at Crow Green Lane (site 159). This site is eminently suited to making an early contribution to this need without any damage to the functions or purpose of the Green Belt. The Council needs sites like this, with a high degree of certainty
about its deliverability, to ensure continuity in meeting identified housing need. Otherwise, it faces continuing challenges through the plan preparation and appeal processes.
See attached.