Preferred Site Allocations 2018

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Preferred Site Allocations 2018

Employment Site Allocations

Representation ID: 20011

Received: 28/03/2018

Respondent: Thurrock Borough Council

Representation Summary:

It is unclear why the employment sites at Brentwood Enterprise Park (site ref 101A), Land South of East Horndon Farm (ref 187) and Dunton Hills Garden Village are proposed. It is not always the case that employment land should be located at busy junctions or along the A127 corridor where it would add to traffic flows on a road at current capacity. The sites are not close to existing centres and are without easy access for workers other than by car. Alternative locations and options should be investigated including the A12 corridor, edge of settlement expansion and mixed use schemes.

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Preferred Site Allocations 2018

200 Dunton Hills Garden Village

Representation ID: 20012

Received: 28/03/2018

Respondent: Thurrock Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Thurrock Council expresses its continued concern about the proposed Dunton Hills Garden Village concept and the lack of detailed evidence to justify:
1. Lack of Technical Evidence
2. The concept of the Garden Village
3. Masterplan Approach
4. Green Belt Issues
5. Landscape Impact
6. Deliverability and Phasing
7. Viability
8. Impact on Thurrock Housing Market
9. Infrastructure and Public Expenditure Funding
10. Road Traffic Impact and Transport Evidence
11. Design and Layout Issues
12. Sustainability Appraisal of the Site

Full text:

See attached.


Preferred Site Allocations 2018

101A Brentwood Enterprise Park (former M25 Junction 29 works)

Representation ID: 20013

Received: 28/03/2018

Respondent: Thurrock Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Development would harm the openness of this part of the Green Belt and result in urban sprawl along the A127 by spreading the extent of built development further into the Green Belt. The form and scale of the site would also cause significant harm to the other purposes of the Green Belt and would result in major encroachment into the countryside whilst also causing harm to the purpose of preventing the merging of neighbouring towns. The location scores overall a Moderate in terms of meeting the purposes of the Green Belt in the Brentwood draft Green Belt Review.

Full text:

See attached.


Preferred Site Allocations 2018

187 Land South of East Horndon Hall

Representation ID: 20014

Received: 28/03/2018

Respondent: Thurrock Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Development would harm the openness of this part of the Green Belt and result in urban sprawl along the A127 by spreading the extent of built development further into the Green Belt. The form and scale of the site would also cause significant harm to the other purposes of the Green Belt and would result in major encroachment into the countryside whilst also causing harm to the purpose of preventing the merging of neighbouring towns. The location scores overall a Moderate in terms of meeting the purposes of the Green Belt in the Brentwood draft Green Belt Review.

Full text:

See attached.


Preferred Site Allocations 2018

Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment

Representation ID: 20015

Received: 28/03/2018

Respondent: Thurrock Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Thurrock Council considers the approach set out in the Sustainability Appraisal is flawed and that a number of assumptions on the way that options have been scored is not supported by the available evidence. The SA appraises and scores 10 options for the location of development with the assumption that most development would be located in one of the locations and with a strategic scale development at Dunton Hills. The information comparing options is limited as presented in the report and Thurrock Council would request more detail including a comparison table of scores for each option against the themes.

Full text:

See attached.


Preferred Site Allocations 2018

Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment

Representation ID: 20025

Received: 28/03/2018

Respondent: Thurrock Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Sustainability Appraisal: It is unclear that the options and sites have been comprehensively appraised in terms of access and sustainable transport; uncertain whether the benefits of Crossrail and A12 widening are taken into account; the housing appraisal skews the findings towards meeting the OAN but undermines the location of housing; housing along the A127 corridor would not meet housing needs in Brentwood/Shenfield as well as housing located along A12; a new strategic settlement at Dunton Hills would not be a self-sustaining community. There appear to be some value judgement about certain locations such as opposition to development at West Horndon.

Full text:

See attached.

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