Draft Local Plan
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Draft Local Plan
Housing Allocations
Representation ID: 15217
Received: 03/05/2016
Respondent: Bellway Homes Essex
Agent: Savills UK
The draft Local Plan seeks to allocate a significant amount of land for housing at West Horndon Industrial Estates (500) and Officer's Meadow(600) and whilst Bellway has no in principle objection to these draft allocations, the housing trajectory anticipates that completions happen in 2018 for Officer's Meadow and 2019 for West Horndon.
However neither site has planning permission and the Local Plan isn't anticipated to be adopted until 2017, in addition, West Horndon may have contamination issues, it is considered that the projected levels of delivery for these two sites is very optimistic.
Therefore in order to deliver the required number of houses in the first five years of the plan, the Council should allocate higher density development on those sites that are considered appropriate which can be delivered more easily and therefore quicker.
See attached.
Draft Local Plan
128 Ingatestone Garden Centre, Roman Road, Ingatestone
Representation ID: 15218
Received: 03/05/2016
Respondent: Bellway Homes Essex
Agent: Savills UK
We disagree that the capacity of the site to 60 is appropriate or represents the best use of this previously developed site. As demonstrated in the attached Design Statement, it is considered that the site can deliver at least 80 units but there is scope for more.
There is no explanation or evidence base as to why the site capacity has been reduced and it is considered that the professional team can address any technical issues in relation to the site and deliver additional housing in a balanced layout. The the site has capacity for at least 80 residential units, without having an adverse impact on amenity.
The allocation should therefore be increased to between 90 and 100 residential units.
See attached.
Draft Local Plan
128 Ingatestone Garden Centre, Roman Road, Ingatestone
Representation ID: 15220
Received: 03/05/2016
Respondent: Bellway Homes Essex
Agent: Savills UK
The NPPF (paragraph 173) states that sites that are identified for development should be of a scale that are deliverable and viable to ensure that the required level of housing can be delivered. In this regard, a site allocation of 60 residential units will undermine the overall delivery of the site and the social infrastructure necessary to facilitate this development.
It is noted that the Council has not prepared an infrastructure delivery plan and we request that one is prepared that reflects the requirements of the Borough in light of the proposed allocations. In any events, to ensure the site is delivered and contributes to housing in the way envisaged, the Council should increase the level of housing identified for the site.
See attached.
Draft Local Plan
128 Ingatestone Garden Centre, Roman Road, Ingatestone
Representation ID: 15221
Received: 03/05/2016
Respondent: Bellway Homes Essex
Agent: Savills UK
The proposed allocation of 60 residential units would result in a density of 18.5 dph which, not only, does not reflect the surrounding densities which are around 20 dph , is also not making efficient use of land.
An allocation of around 90 residential units, would be more appropriate.
See attached.
Draft Local Plan
128 Ingatestone Garden Centre, Roman Road, Ingatestone
Representation ID: 15222
Received: 03/05/2016
Respondent: Bellway Homes Essex
Agent: Savills UK
The reduction in site capacity is as a result of the need to ensure separation between Mountnessing and Ingatestone through the provision of a green buffer on the site. However, the Council's Assessment of Potential Housing, Employment and Mixed Use Sites in the Green Belt (2016 draft) identifies the site as making a low to moderate contribution to the five purposes of including land within the green belt and the 'moderate' contribution is partly as a result of the assessment concluding that the two settlements (Ingatestone and Mountnessing) would no longer be separate and there is a risk of coalescence. The assessment states that the site has a countryside function, but since the Garden Centre has stopped trading and much of the site being previously developed land, it is considered that it has no countryside function.
The A12 provides a strong physical barrier to prevent coalesce and therefore this should not be a 'moderate' classification but a 'low' contribution.
See attached.
Draft Local Plan
Evidence Base
Representation ID: 15267
Received: 03/05/2016
Respondent: Bellway Homes Essex
Agent: Savills UK
The Council has commissioned an Objectively Assessed Housing Needs for Brentwood Report (2015) which states that the OAN is 360 dwellings per annum. However, this is based on the 2012 population projections and it is considered that this should be updated to reflect the most up to date projections.
See attached.
Draft Local Plan
Housing Allocations
Representation ID: 15272
Received: 03/05/2016
Respondent: Bellway Homes Essex
Agent: Savills UK
Request to consider Dury's Farm site at Mountnessing for housing development. The site has capacity for between 150 and 180 residential units. As a Greenbelt site it's available immediately. The site is in a location which accords with the Spatial Strategy as set out in the draft Local Plan which seeks to focus development along the A12 corridor.
The site is entirely contained as it is bounded by the A12, Roman Road and Mountnessing Primary School. It is close to the shops and services within the village and is within a short walk to the primary school.
See attached.