Draft Local Plan

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Draft Local Plan

Policy 10.7: Infrastructure and Community Facilities

Representation ID: 15508

Received: 23/03/2016

Respondent: Mountnessing Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

Representation Summary:

Our school is sited on a large plot of land with space to build and expand. We are excited by the prospect of new housing and new families joining the village, but have concerns that our current building and school would not accommodate pupils from new developments.
There is potential to expand and hope that when the planning applications are considered, it is understood that we are eager to expand but would need significant support financially to be able to do this. Consultation with Essex Education department would be vital and developers would need to work closely with all stakeholders.

Full text:

I write in response to the Local Development Plan and the effect it will have on Mountnessing C of E Primary School.
We currently intake 15 pupils per year group, which means that we have only 4 classes and 105 children in total. We are currently at capacity and turning pupils away daily due to restricted space and places available. The present building will only accommodate this number of pupils. We have 2 buildings in our school that are separated by a long private lane. The lower site is Victorian and only houses 2 classrooms, the school office and the head teachers room. The top site also houses 2 classrooms, the staff room, the kitchen and the school hall. We have one relocatable building that we use as a library and intervention room.
Our school is sited on a large plot of land with space to build and expand. We are excited by the prospect of new housing and new families joining the village, but have concerns that our current building and school would not accommodate pupils who should be able to join their local village school.
There is potential to expand and we would hope that when the planning applications are considered, you will bear in mind that we are eager to expand but would need significant support financially to be able to do this. Consultation with Essex Education department would be vital and developers would need to work closely with all stakeholders.
We would invite you to visit our school and see the potential for yourselves.


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