Draft Local Plan

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Draft Local Plan

Draft Plan Spatial Strategy

Representation ID: 14215

Received: 13/04/2016

Respondent: Blackmore Village Hall/Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Development for the area should be as the local plan suggests with the main areas around the A12 and A127 corridors. It is essential that Dunton Village is built so that the infrastructure and community buildings are capable of serving the increase in population. To develop areas in rural north Brentwood would increase the enormous pressure on school and doctors surgeries that already exist. Similarly transport in rural areas is poor at present and will only get worse when present contracts with ECC are not renewed for economic reasons.

Full text:

Development for the area should be as the local plan suggests with the main areas around the A12 and A127 corridors. It is essential that Dunton Village is built so that the infrastructure and community buildings are capable of serving the increase in population. To develop areas in rural north Brentwood would increase the enormous pressure on school and doctors surgeries that already exist. Similarly transport in rural areas is poor at present and will only get worse when present contracts with ECC are not renewed for economic reasons.


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