Draft Local Plan

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Draft Local Plan

Policy 5.1: Spatial Strategy

Representation ID: 15343

Received: 05/05/2016

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

Policy adopts an approach which seeks to meet local needs. We consider that the proposed limited release of Green Belt for development within transport corridors, strategic locations and urban extensions provides the optimal solution for achieving the development needs of the Borough. In particular, focusing development along the A12 corridor to the main Towns of Brentwood and Shenfield is considered the most sustainable approach to delivering growth in this area, particularly in light of the introduction of Crossrail to these areas in 2017.

Full text:

see attached



Draft Local Plan

Policy 5.2: Housing Growth

Representation ID: 15344

Received: 05/05/2016

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

We support the measures taken to address the housing needs of the Borough and acknowledge that a proportionate approach to Green Belt release has been taken.

Full text:

see attached



Draft Local Plan

Policy 6.1: Sustainable Development

Representation ID: 15345

Received: 05/05/2016

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

Support policy as it adopts the same principles as paragraph 14 of the NPPF. In this respect, it seeks to promote the delivery of sustainable development, which is welcomed.

Full text:

see attached



Draft Local Plan

Policy 7.2: Housing Type, Mix, Size and Tenures

Representation ID: 15346

Received: 05/05/2016

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

Support the Council's approach to providing a balanced mix of housing types and tenure taking into account the Strategic Housing Market Assessment and Council's Housing Strategy. However, we also encourage the Council's flexible approach and the confirmation that the housing mix will be based on negotiation, site constraints and development viability.

Full text:

see attached



Draft Local Plan

Policy 7.2: Housing Type, Mix, Size and Tenures

Representation ID: 15347

Received: 05/05/2016

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

Considered the requirement for developments of 100 or more dwellings to provide a minimum of 5% self build properties is overly onerous. The Housing and Planning Bill notes that requirements should be based on demand for self-build and custom housebuilding in the local authority area. Therefore request that justification is provided for the 5% figure.
Suggest Policy is amended to reflect particular site constraints, and consider that the increased flexibility could be achieved through implementing the following wording:
"Developments of 100 or more dwellings will be expected to provide a minimum of 5% self build properties, subject to site characteristics and constraints. The inclusion of self build properties on smaller sites will also be encouraged."

Full text:

see attached



Draft Local Plan

Policy 7.3: Residential Density

Representation ID: 15348

Received: 05/05/2016

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

We support the design-led approach proposed by the Council in respect of residential density and the indicative numbers of dwellings per hectare set out by the policy. We also welcome that flexibility is afforded where the special character of the surrounding area or other site constraints make such densities unachievable.

Full text:

see attached



Draft Local Plan

Policy 7.4: Housing Land Allocations

Representation ID: 15349

Received: 05/05/2016

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

It is welcomed that a range of smaller sites have been allocated for residential development and will enable the Council to maintain a rolling five year land supply.

Full text:

see attached



Draft Local Plan

023 Land off Doddinghurst Road, either side of A12, Brentwood

Representation ID: 15350

Received: 05/05/2016

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

Allocation of site welcomed. Site provides a logical extension to the existing urban area without encroaching into the countryside beyond well-defined and defensible boundaries. The site is identified for approximately 250 dwellings, which is considered appropriate. The level of flexibility provided in respect of the number of units to be delivered is also welcomed. The site is within a single ownership, with no known constraints to its deliverability and is developable within the first 5 years of the plan period. It is therefore considered that the phasing estimate for the delivery of the site (5-10 years, as set out at Appendix 2 of the Plan), sets a longer timescale than required.

Full text:

see attached



Draft Local Plan

Policy 7.4: Housing Land Allocations

Representation ID: 15351

Received: 05/05/2016

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

The requirement set out at Policy 7.4 for planning applications submitted in advance of the indicative phasing to only be approved if further tests are undertaken is overly onerous. It is our opinion that the phasing estimates set out at Appendix 2 should be viewed as indicative, rather than forming the basis to introduce additional barriers to the delivery of allocated sites that have already been rigorously tests to ensure their suitability for development.

Full text:

see attached



Draft Local Plan

Policy 7.5: Affordable Housing

Representation ID: 15352

Received: 05/05/2016

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

Question whether it would be possible to implement criteria g. (availability at a cost low enough for them to afford, determined with regard to local incomes and local house prices ) in practice given the provisions set out in the Housing and Planning Bill. Anticipated that, once the Bill has been passed, local authorities will be under a duty to promote the supply of starter homes regardless of local needs. We would therefore request justification on how this element of the policy would work in practice, and suggest the wording of this element of the policy will evolve once the Bill has been passed.

Full text:

see attached


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