Strategic Growth Options

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Strategic Growth Options

Question 1

Representation ID: 6063

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: SJ Walsh and Sons

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities. The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Full text:

Q1: Yes - The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities.

The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Q2: Yes - These representations concern the A127 Corridor and it is considered that the issues raised in relation to this area is correct.

Q3: Yes - Concern is raised at the prospect of the West Horndon strategic allocations, particularly in regard to the development on employment sites. Whilst the development of those sites is supported, the Council must ensure that sufficient employment land is brought forward alongside the allocation of these sites to ensure that employment is not lost in the Borough. The existing, undesignated, land at East Horndon Hall is ideally suited to provide additional employment land to accommodate those lost through brownfield redevelopment.

Q4: Proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation, however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon;
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128;
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Q5: The focus of this submission is centred on the A127 Corridor and employment sites. This firm makes representations on housing issues in separate representations.

Q7: Yes - It is a logical decision to seek to allocated employment sites close to the strategic highway network and away from the higher populated areas of residential development. The site at East Horndon Hall meets those requirements, being located on the junction of the A127 and A128. The land is already currently partly used for industrial purposes.

The Company requests that their site at East Horndon Business Park is considered as a site allocated for general employment, either as existing or as a preferred allocation. This is a previous developed land, providing an excellent opportunity for new employment land to form a business park, incorporating some leisure opportunities. An Indicative Masterplan has been prepared and, whilst it has been previously submitted to the Council, we attach to this report for ease of reference.

It is proposed that the site can form a new business park, providing a mix of B-uses together with a leisure use, such as a hotel, as a feature building on the corner of the A128 and A127 roundabout.

The range of uses suggested is predominantly B1 office and light industrial uses. The proposals provide an opportunity to regulate the existing industrial uses and, whilst the site is heavily screened from the west and north, further landscaping and planting can be provided to create a buffer between the site and the A128.

The site is in a highly sustainable location in terms of highway networks, being located adjacent to the roundabout with the A127 and A128, with direct links to the M25, Brentwood, Thurrock and east Essex.

When considered in relation existing allocated employment land this site;
* Is in a strong location for accessibility where country lanes and residential roads are avoided, but easy access to the main arterial routes including A127, M25 and A12 (via M25 or A130);
* Requires limited landscaping and screening on the eastern boundary;
* Is of a size that allows for a comprehensive development, whilst being of a scale and nature appropriate to the locality;
* It is readily constrained by the A128, A127 and Tilbury Road, and thus makes a logical release from the Green Belt.

Furthermore, with the potential proposed allocation for housing within West
Horndon, replacing the existing employment land, this site is ideally located for an
increase in employment numbers resulting from the additional housing.

Q8: Yes - No further comment.

Q9: Yes - No further comment.

Q12: Yes - No further comment.

Q13: No comment.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 6064

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: SJ Walsh and Sons

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

Yes - These representations concern the A127 Corridor and it is considered that the issues raised in relation to this area is correct.

Full text:

Q1: Yes - The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities.

The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Q2: Yes - These representations concern the A127 Corridor and it is considered that the issues raised in relation to this area is correct.

Q3: Yes - Concern is raised at the prospect of the West Horndon strategic allocations, particularly in regard to the development on employment sites. Whilst the development of those sites is supported, the Council must ensure that sufficient employment land is brought forward alongside the allocation of these sites to ensure that employment is not lost in the Borough. The existing, undesignated, land at East Horndon Hall is ideally suited to provide additional employment land to accommodate those lost through brownfield redevelopment.

Q4: Proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation, however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon;
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128;
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Q5: The focus of this submission is centred on the A127 Corridor and employment sites. This firm makes representations on housing issues in separate representations.

Q7: Yes - It is a logical decision to seek to allocated employment sites close to the strategic highway network and away from the higher populated areas of residential development. The site at East Horndon Hall meets those requirements, being located on the junction of the A127 and A128. The land is already currently partly used for industrial purposes.

The Company requests that their site at East Horndon Business Park is considered as a site allocated for general employment, either as existing or as a preferred allocation. This is a previous developed land, providing an excellent opportunity for new employment land to form a business park, incorporating some leisure opportunities. An Indicative Masterplan has been prepared and, whilst it has been previously submitted to the Council, we attach to this report for ease of reference.

It is proposed that the site can form a new business park, providing a mix of B-uses together with a leisure use, such as a hotel, as a feature building on the corner of the A128 and A127 roundabout.

The range of uses suggested is predominantly B1 office and light industrial uses. The proposals provide an opportunity to regulate the existing industrial uses and, whilst the site is heavily screened from the west and north, further landscaping and planting can be provided to create a buffer between the site and the A128.

The site is in a highly sustainable location in terms of highway networks, being located adjacent to the roundabout with the A127 and A128, with direct links to the M25, Brentwood, Thurrock and east Essex.

When considered in relation existing allocated employment land this site;
* Is in a strong location for accessibility where country lanes and residential roads are avoided, but easy access to the main arterial routes including A127, M25 and A12 (via M25 or A130);
* Requires limited landscaping and screening on the eastern boundary;
* Is of a size that allows for a comprehensive development, whilst being of a scale and nature appropriate to the locality;
* It is readily constrained by the A128, A127 and Tilbury Road, and thus makes a logical release from the Green Belt.

Furthermore, with the potential proposed allocation for housing within West
Horndon, replacing the existing employment land, this site is ideally located for an
increase in employment numbers resulting from the additional housing.

Q8: Yes - No further comment.

Q9: Yes - No further comment.

Q12: Yes - No further comment.

Q13: No comment.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 4

Representation ID: 6066

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: SJ Walsh and Sons

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

Yes - Concern is raised at the prospect of the West Horndon strategic allocations, particularly in regard to the development on employment sites. Whilst the development of those sites is supported, the Council must ensure that sufficient employment land is brought forward alongside the allocation of these sites to ensure that employment is not lost in the Borough. The existing, undesignated, land at East Horndon Hall is ideally suited to provide additional employment land to accommodate those lost through brownfield redevelopment.

Full text:

Q1: Yes - The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities.

The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Q2: Yes - These representations concern the A127 Corridor and it is considered that the issues raised in relation to this area is correct.

Q3: Yes - Concern is raised at the prospect of the West Horndon strategic allocations, particularly in regard to the development on employment sites. Whilst the development of those sites is supported, the Council must ensure that sufficient employment land is brought forward alongside the allocation of these sites to ensure that employment is not lost in the Borough. The existing, undesignated, land at East Horndon Hall is ideally suited to provide additional employment land to accommodate those lost through brownfield redevelopment.

Q4: Proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation, however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon;
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128;
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Q5: The focus of this submission is centred on the A127 Corridor and employment sites. This firm makes representations on housing issues in separate representations.

Q7: Yes - It is a logical decision to seek to allocated employment sites close to the strategic highway network and away from the higher populated areas of residential development. The site at East Horndon Hall meets those requirements, being located on the junction of the A127 and A128. The land is already currently partly used for industrial purposes.

The Company requests that their site at East Horndon Business Park is considered as a site allocated for general employment, either as existing or as a preferred allocation. This is a previous developed land, providing an excellent opportunity for new employment land to form a business park, incorporating some leisure opportunities. An Indicative Masterplan has been prepared and, whilst it has been previously submitted to the Council, we attach to this report for ease of reference.

It is proposed that the site can form a new business park, providing a mix of B-uses together with a leisure use, such as a hotel, as a feature building on the corner of the A128 and A127 roundabout.

The range of uses suggested is predominantly B1 office and light industrial uses. The proposals provide an opportunity to regulate the existing industrial uses and, whilst the site is heavily screened from the west and north, further landscaping and planting can be provided to create a buffer between the site and the A128.

The site is in a highly sustainable location in terms of highway networks, being located adjacent to the roundabout with the A127 and A128, with direct links to the M25, Brentwood, Thurrock and east Essex.

When considered in relation existing allocated employment land this site;
* Is in a strong location for accessibility where country lanes and residential roads are avoided, but easy access to the main arterial routes including A127, M25 and A12 (via M25 or A130);
* Requires limited landscaping and screening on the eastern boundary;
* Is of a size that allows for a comprehensive development, whilst being of a scale and nature appropriate to the locality;
* It is readily constrained by the A128, A127 and Tilbury Road, and thus makes a logical release from the Green Belt.

Furthermore, with the potential proposed allocation for housing within West
Horndon, replacing the existing employment land, this site is ideally located for an
increase in employment numbers resulting from the additional housing.

Q8: Yes - No further comment.

Q9: Yes - No further comment.

Q12: Yes - No further comment.

Q13: No comment.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 4

Representation ID: 6068

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: SJ Walsh and Sons

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

Proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation, however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon;
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128;
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Full text:

Q1: Yes - The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities.

The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Q2: Yes - These representations concern the A127 Corridor and it is considered that the issues raised in relation to this area is correct.

Q3: Yes - Concern is raised at the prospect of the West Horndon strategic allocations, particularly in regard to the development on employment sites. Whilst the development of those sites is supported, the Council must ensure that sufficient employment land is brought forward alongside the allocation of these sites to ensure that employment is not lost in the Borough. The existing, undesignated, land at East Horndon Hall is ideally suited to provide additional employment land to accommodate those lost through brownfield redevelopment.

Q4: Proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation, however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon;
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128;
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Q5: The focus of this submission is centred on the A127 Corridor and employment sites. This firm makes representations on housing issues in separate representations.

Q7: Yes - It is a logical decision to seek to allocated employment sites close to the strategic highway network and away from the higher populated areas of residential development. The site at East Horndon Hall meets those requirements, being located on the junction of the A127 and A128. The land is already currently partly used for industrial purposes.

The Company requests that their site at East Horndon Business Park is considered as a site allocated for general employment, either as existing or as a preferred allocation. This is a previous developed land, providing an excellent opportunity for new employment land to form a business park, incorporating some leisure opportunities. An Indicative Masterplan has been prepared and, whilst it has been previously submitted to the Council, we attach to this report for ease of reference.

It is proposed that the site can form a new business park, providing a mix of B-uses together with a leisure use, such as a hotel, as a feature building on the corner of the A128 and A127 roundabout.

The range of uses suggested is predominantly B1 office and light industrial uses. The proposals provide an opportunity to regulate the existing industrial uses and, whilst the site is heavily screened from the west and north, further landscaping and planting can be provided to create a buffer between the site and the A128.

The site is in a highly sustainable location in terms of highway networks, being located adjacent to the roundabout with the A127 and A128, with direct links to the M25, Brentwood, Thurrock and east Essex.

When considered in relation existing allocated employment land this site;
* Is in a strong location for accessibility where country lanes and residential roads are avoided, but easy access to the main arterial routes including A127, M25 and A12 (via M25 or A130);
* Requires limited landscaping and screening on the eastern boundary;
* Is of a size that allows for a comprehensive development, whilst being of a scale and nature appropriate to the locality;
* It is readily constrained by the A128, A127 and Tilbury Road, and thus makes a logical release from the Green Belt.

Furthermore, with the potential proposed allocation for housing within West
Horndon, replacing the existing employment land, this site is ideally located for an
increase in employment numbers resulting from the additional housing.

Q8: Yes - No further comment.

Q9: Yes - No further comment.

Q12: Yes - No further comment.

Q13: No comment.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 5

Representation ID: 6069

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: SJ Walsh and Sons

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

The focus of this submission is centred on the A127 Corridor and employment sites. This firm makes representations on housing issues in separate representations.

Full text:

Q1: Yes - The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities.

The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Q2: Yes - These representations concern the A127 Corridor and it is considered that the issues raised in relation to this area is correct.

Q3: Yes - Concern is raised at the prospect of the West Horndon strategic allocations, particularly in regard to the development on employment sites. Whilst the development of those sites is supported, the Council must ensure that sufficient employment land is brought forward alongside the allocation of these sites to ensure that employment is not lost in the Borough. The existing, undesignated, land at East Horndon Hall is ideally suited to provide additional employment land to accommodate those lost through brownfield redevelopment.

Q4: Proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation, however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon;
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128;
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Q5: The focus of this submission is centred on the A127 Corridor and employment sites. This firm makes representations on housing issues in separate representations.

Q7: Yes - It is a logical decision to seek to allocated employment sites close to the strategic highway network and away from the higher populated areas of residential development. The site at East Horndon Hall meets those requirements, being located on the junction of the A127 and A128. The land is already currently partly used for industrial purposes.

The Company requests that their site at East Horndon Business Park is considered as a site allocated for general employment, either as existing or as a preferred allocation. This is a previous developed land, providing an excellent opportunity for new employment land to form a business park, incorporating some leisure opportunities. An Indicative Masterplan has been prepared and, whilst it has been previously submitted to the Council, we attach to this report for ease of reference.

It is proposed that the site can form a new business park, providing a mix of B-uses together with a leisure use, such as a hotel, as a feature building on the corner of the A128 and A127 roundabout.

The range of uses suggested is predominantly B1 office and light industrial uses. The proposals provide an opportunity to regulate the existing industrial uses and, whilst the site is heavily screened from the west and north, further landscaping and planting can be provided to create a buffer between the site and the A128.

The site is in a highly sustainable location in terms of highway networks, being located adjacent to the roundabout with the A127 and A128, with direct links to the M25, Brentwood, Thurrock and east Essex.

When considered in relation existing allocated employment land this site;
* Is in a strong location for accessibility where country lanes and residential roads are avoided, but easy access to the main arterial routes including A127, M25 and A12 (via M25 or A130);
* Requires limited landscaping and screening on the eastern boundary;
* Is of a size that allows for a comprehensive development, whilst being of a scale and nature appropriate to the locality;
* It is readily constrained by the A128, A127 and Tilbury Road, and thus makes a logical release from the Green Belt.

Furthermore, with the potential proposed allocation for housing within West
Horndon, replacing the existing employment land, this site is ideally located for an
increase in employment numbers resulting from the additional housing.

Q8: Yes - No further comment.

Q9: Yes - No further comment.

Q12: Yes - No further comment.

Q13: No comment.



Strategic Growth Options

109 East Horndon Hall Business Park, Tilbury Road

Representation ID: 6081

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: SJ Walsh and Sons

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:


Agree that new employment sites should be located close to the strategic highway network. The site at East Horndon meets those requirements, and is already partly used for industrial purposes. Request that the site is considered as a site allocation for general employment, either as existing or as a preferred allocation. Site is previously developed land providing opportunities for new employment in the form of a business park (mix of B uses) with leisure use (e.g. hotel).

Site has the following benefits:

- Opportunity to regulate existing industrial uses;
- Site is heavily screened from west and north additional planting can be provided on eastern boundary;
- Located close to A127, A128 and M25;
- Readily constrained by the A128, A127 and Tilbury Road and makes a logical release from the Green Belt
- Site could provide additional employment land to replace that which could be lost in West Horndon if redeveloped for residential.

Full text:

Q1: Yes - The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities.

The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Q2: Yes - These representations concern the A127 Corridor and it is considered that the issues raised in relation to this area is correct.

Q3: Yes - Concern is raised at the prospect of the West Horndon strategic allocations, particularly in regard to the development on employment sites. Whilst the development of those sites is supported, the Council must ensure that sufficient employment land is brought forward alongside the allocation of these sites to ensure that employment is not lost in the Borough. The existing, undesignated, land at East Horndon Hall is ideally suited to provide additional employment land to accommodate those lost through brownfield redevelopment.

Q4: Proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation, however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon;
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128;
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Q5: The focus of this submission is centred on the A127 Corridor and employment sites. This firm makes representations on housing issues in separate representations.

Q7: Yes - It is a logical decision to seek to allocated employment sites close to the strategic highway network and away from the higher populated areas of residential development. The site at East Horndon Hall meets those requirements, being located on the junction of the A127 and A128. The land is already currently partly used for industrial purposes.

The Company requests that their site at East Horndon Business Park is considered as a site allocated for general employment, either as existing or as a preferred allocation. This is a previous developed land, providing an excellent opportunity for new employment land to form a business park, incorporating some leisure opportunities. An Indicative Masterplan has been prepared and, whilst it has been previously submitted to the Council, we attach to this report for ease of reference.

It is proposed that the site can form a new business park, providing a mix of B-uses together with a leisure use, such as a hotel, as a feature building on the corner of the A128 and A127 roundabout.

The range of uses suggested is predominantly B1 office and light industrial uses. The proposals provide an opportunity to regulate the existing industrial uses and, whilst the site is heavily screened from the west and north, further landscaping and planting can be provided to create a buffer between the site and the A128.

The site is in a highly sustainable location in terms of highway networks, being located adjacent to the roundabout with the A127 and A128, with direct links to the M25, Brentwood, Thurrock and east Essex.

When considered in relation existing allocated employment land this site;
* Is in a strong location for accessibility where country lanes and residential roads are avoided, but easy access to the main arterial routes including A127, M25 and A12 (via M25 or A130);
* Requires limited landscaping and screening on the eastern boundary;
* Is of a size that allows for a comprehensive development, whilst being of a scale and nature appropriate to the locality;
* It is readily constrained by the A128, A127 and Tilbury Road, and thus makes a logical release from the Green Belt.

Furthermore, with the potential proposed allocation for housing within West
Horndon, replacing the existing employment land, this site is ideally located for an
increase in employment numbers resulting from the additional housing.

Q8: Yes - No further comment.

Q9: Yes - No further comment.

Q12: Yes - No further comment.

Q13: No comment.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 7

Representation ID: 6082

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: SJ Walsh and Sons

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

Agree that new employment sites should be located close to the strategic highway network. The site at East Horndon meets those requirements, and is already partly used for industrial purposes.


Full text:

Q1: Yes - The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities.

The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Q2: Yes - These representations concern the A127 Corridor and it is considered that the issues raised in relation to this area is correct.

Q3: Yes - Concern is raised at the prospect of the West Horndon strategic allocations, particularly in regard to the development on employment sites. Whilst the development of those sites is supported, the Council must ensure that sufficient employment land is brought forward alongside the allocation of these sites to ensure that employment is not lost in the Borough. The existing, undesignated, land at East Horndon Hall is ideally suited to provide additional employment land to accommodate those lost through brownfield redevelopment.

Q4: Proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation, however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon;
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128;
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Q5: The focus of this submission is centred on the A127 Corridor and employment sites. This firm makes representations on housing issues in separate representations.

Q7: Yes - It is a logical decision to seek to allocated employment sites close to the strategic highway network and away from the higher populated areas of residential development. The site at East Horndon Hall meets those requirements, being located on the junction of the A127 and A128. The land is already currently partly used for industrial purposes.

The Company requests that their site at East Horndon Business Park is considered as a site allocated for general employment, either as existing or as a preferred allocation. This is a previous developed land, providing an excellent opportunity for new employment land to form a business park, incorporating some leisure opportunities. An Indicative Masterplan has been prepared and, whilst it has been previously submitted to the Council, we attach to this report for ease of reference.

It is proposed that the site can form a new business park, providing a mix of B-uses together with a leisure use, such as a hotel, as a feature building on the corner of the A128 and A127 roundabout.

The range of uses suggested is predominantly B1 office and light industrial uses. The proposals provide an opportunity to regulate the existing industrial uses and, whilst the site is heavily screened from the west and north, further landscaping and planting can be provided to create a buffer between the site and the A128.

The site is in a highly sustainable location in terms of highway networks, being located adjacent to the roundabout with the A127 and A128, with direct links to the M25, Brentwood, Thurrock and east Essex.

When considered in relation existing allocated employment land this site;
* Is in a strong location for accessibility where country lanes and residential roads are avoided, but easy access to the main arterial routes including A127, M25 and A12 (via M25 or A130);
* Requires limited landscaping and screening on the eastern boundary;
* Is of a size that allows for a comprehensive development, whilst being of a scale and nature appropriate to the locality;
* It is readily constrained by the A128, A127 and Tilbury Road, and thus makes a logical release from the Green Belt.

Furthermore, with the potential proposed allocation for housing within West
Horndon, replacing the existing employment land, this site is ideally located for an
increase in employment numbers resulting from the additional housing.

Q8: Yes - No further comment.

Q9: Yes - No further comment.

Q12: Yes - No further comment.

Q13: No comment.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 8

Representation ID: 6083

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: SJ Walsh and Sons

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

Yes - No further comment.

Full text:

Q1: Yes - The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities.

The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Q2: Yes - These representations concern the A127 Corridor and it is considered that the issues raised in relation to this area is correct.

Q3: Yes - Concern is raised at the prospect of the West Horndon strategic allocations, particularly in regard to the development on employment sites. Whilst the development of those sites is supported, the Council must ensure that sufficient employment land is brought forward alongside the allocation of these sites to ensure that employment is not lost in the Borough. The existing, undesignated, land at East Horndon Hall is ideally suited to provide additional employment land to accommodate those lost through brownfield redevelopment.

Q4: Proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation, however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon;
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128;
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Q5: The focus of this submission is centred on the A127 Corridor and employment sites. This firm makes representations on housing issues in separate representations.

Q7: Yes - It is a logical decision to seek to allocated employment sites close to the strategic highway network and away from the higher populated areas of residential development. The site at East Horndon Hall meets those requirements, being located on the junction of the A127 and A128. The land is already currently partly used for industrial purposes.

The Company requests that their site at East Horndon Business Park is considered as a site allocated for general employment, either as existing or as a preferred allocation. This is a previous developed land, providing an excellent opportunity for new employment land to form a business park, incorporating some leisure opportunities. An Indicative Masterplan has been prepared and, whilst it has been previously submitted to the Council, we attach to this report for ease of reference.

It is proposed that the site can form a new business park, providing a mix of B-uses together with a leisure use, such as a hotel, as a feature building on the corner of the A128 and A127 roundabout.

The range of uses suggested is predominantly B1 office and light industrial uses. The proposals provide an opportunity to regulate the existing industrial uses and, whilst the site is heavily screened from the west and north, further landscaping and planting can be provided to create a buffer between the site and the A128.

The site is in a highly sustainable location in terms of highway networks, being located adjacent to the roundabout with the A127 and A128, with direct links to the M25, Brentwood, Thurrock and east Essex.

When considered in relation existing allocated employment land this site;
* Is in a strong location for accessibility where country lanes and residential roads are avoided, but easy access to the main arterial routes including A127, M25 and A12 (via M25 or A130);
* Requires limited landscaping and screening on the eastern boundary;
* Is of a size that allows for a comprehensive development, whilst being of a scale and nature appropriate to the locality;
* It is readily constrained by the A128, A127 and Tilbury Road, and thus makes a logical release from the Green Belt.

Furthermore, with the potential proposed allocation for housing within West
Horndon, replacing the existing employment land, this site is ideally located for an
increase in employment numbers resulting from the additional housing.

Q8: Yes - No further comment.

Q9: Yes - No further comment.

Q12: Yes - No further comment.

Q13: No comment.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 9

Representation ID: 6084

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: SJ Walsh and Sons

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

Yes - No further comment.

Full text:

Q1: Yes - The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities.

The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Q2: Yes - These representations concern the A127 Corridor and it is considered that the issues raised in relation to this area is correct.

Q3: Yes - Concern is raised at the prospect of the West Horndon strategic allocations, particularly in regard to the development on employment sites. Whilst the development of those sites is supported, the Council must ensure that sufficient employment land is brought forward alongside the allocation of these sites to ensure that employment is not lost in the Borough. The existing, undesignated, land at East Horndon Hall is ideally suited to provide additional employment land to accommodate those lost through brownfield redevelopment.

Q4: Proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation, however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon;
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128;
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Q5: The focus of this submission is centred on the A127 Corridor and employment sites. This firm makes representations on housing issues in separate representations.

Q7: Yes - It is a logical decision to seek to allocated employment sites close to the strategic highway network and away from the higher populated areas of residential development. The site at East Horndon Hall meets those requirements, being located on the junction of the A127 and A128. The land is already currently partly used for industrial purposes.

The Company requests that their site at East Horndon Business Park is considered as a site allocated for general employment, either as existing or as a preferred allocation. This is a previous developed land, providing an excellent opportunity for new employment land to form a business park, incorporating some leisure opportunities. An Indicative Masterplan has been prepared and, whilst it has been previously submitted to the Council, we attach to this report for ease of reference.

It is proposed that the site can form a new business park, providing a mix of B-uses together with a leisure use, such as a hotel, as a feature building on the corner of the A128 and A127 roundabout.

The range of uses suggested is predominantly B1 office and light industrial uses. The proposals provide an opportunity to regulate the existing industrial uses and, whilst the site is heavily screened from the west and north, further landscaping and planting can be provided to create a buffer between the site and the A128.

The site is in a highly sustainable location in terms of highway networks, being located adjacent to the roundabout with the A127 and A128, with direct links to the M25, Brentwood, Thurrock and east Essex.

When considered in relation existing allocated employment land this site;
* Is in a strong location for accessibility where country lanes and residential roads are avoided, but easy access to the main arterial routes including A127, M25 and A12 (via M25 or A130);
* Requires limited landscaping and screening on the eastern boundary;
* Is of a size that allows for a comprehensive development, whilst being of a scale and nature appropriate to the locality;
* It is readily constrained by the A128, A127 and Tilbury Road, and thus makes a logical release from the Green Belt.

Furthermore, with the potential proposed allocation for housing within West
Horndon, replacing the existing employment land, this site is ideally located for an
increase in employment numbers resulting from the additional housing.

Q8: Yes - No further comment.

Q9: Yes - No further comment.

Q12: Yes - No further comment.

Q13: No comment.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 12

Representation ID: 6085

Received: 17/02/2015

Respondent: SJ Walsh and Sons

Agent: JTS Partnership LLP

Representation Summary:

Yes - No further comment.

Full text:

Q1: Yes - The Borough logically splits itself into three identified areas, which are of different character. The Borough contains two main infrastructure corridors, with more rural villages to the north and each area provides different development opportunities.

The growth figure of 5,500 dwellings for the next 15 years is supported, however it is considered optimistic that 2,500 dwellings will come from the brownfield sites within the urban area.

Q2: Yes - These representations concern the A127 Corridor and it is considered that the issues raised in relation to this area is correct.

Q3: Yes - Concern is raised at the prospect of the West Horndon strategic allocations, particularly in regard to the development on employment sites. Whilst the development of those sites is supported, the Council must ensure that sufficient employment land is brought forward alongside the allocation of these sites to ensure that employment is not lost in the Borough. The existing, undesignated, land at East Horndon Hall is ideally suited to provide additional employment land to accommodate those lost through brownfield redevelopment.

Q4: Proposals for development at West Horndon are supported, in principle. Representations will be made separately to the Dunton Garden Suburb Consultation, however it is considered that this development fails in four of the five purposes of the Green Belt (Paragraph 80 of the NPPF). Such a suburb would: -
* Encourage the sprawl of large built-up areas (Basildon/Laindon);
* Potentially merge Laindon with East Horndon and West Horndon. Laindon itself is already merged with Basildon;
* Further encroaches upon the countryside, creating a continuous stretch of development on the southern side of the A127, running from Nevendon to the A128;
* Failing to encourage the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

Q5: The focus of this submission is centred on the A127 Corridor and employment sites. This firm makes representations on housing issues in separate representations.

Q7: Yes - It is a logical decision to seek to allocated employment sites close to the strategic highway network and away from the higher populated areas of residential development. The site at East Horndon Hall meets those requirements, being located on the junction of the A127 and A128. The land is already currently partly used for industrial purposes.

The Company requests that their site at East Horndon Business Park is considered as a site allocated for general employment, either as existing or as a preferred allocation. This is a previous developed land, providing an excellent opportunity for new employment land to form a business park, incorporating some leisure opportunities. An Indicative Masterplan has been prepared and, whilst it has been previously submitted to the Council, we attach to this report for ease of reference.

It is proposed that the site can form a new business park, providing a mix of B-uses together with a leisure use, such as a hotel, as a feature building on the corner of the A128 and A127 roundabout.

The range of uses suggested is predominantly B1 office and light industrial uses. The proposals provide an opportunity to regulate the existing industrial uses and, whilst the site is heavily screened from the west and north, further landscaping and planting can be provided to create a buffer between the site and the A128.

The site is in a highly sustainable location in terms of highway networks, being located adjacent to the roundabout with the A127 and A128, with direct links to the M25, Brentwood, Thurrock and east Essex.

When considered in relation existing allocated employment land this site;
* Is in a strong location for accessibility where country lanes and residential roads are avoided, but easy access to the main arterial routes including A127, M25 and A12 (via M25 or A130);
* Requires limited landscaping and screening on the eastern boundary;
* Is of a size that allows for a comprehensive development, whilst being of a scale and nature appropriate to the locality;
* It is readily constrained by the A128, A127 and Tilbury Road, and thus makes a logical release from the Green Belt.

Furthermore, with the potential proposed allocation for housing within West
Horndon, replacing the existing employment land, this site is ideally located for an
increase in employment numbers resulting from the additional housing.

Q8: Yes - No further comment.

Q9: Yes - No further comment.

Q12: Yes - No further comment.

Q13: No comment.


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