Strategic Growth Options

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Strategic Growth Options

Question 6

Representation ID: 12619

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Sunbury Homes

Agent: JCN Design

Representation Summary:

Sunbury Homes support creation of new homes in the north of the borough. Agree a pragmatic approach to growth is only way a balance between interests can be achieved. Development in the Green Belt must be considered if objectively assessed housing need is to be met. Dispersed development minimizes impact on openness of Green Belt.

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

Question 3

Representation ID: 12620

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Sunbury Homes

Agent: JCN Design

Representation Summary:

With regard to brownfield sites, preparation of criteria based policy as part of the Local Plan will ensure that a robust approach to housing sites in the Green Belt is created. The new Local Plan also needs to allocate brownfield sites that are currently available for development - the two approaches need to run in parallel in order to ensure that the openness of the Green Belt is protected at the same time as the borough identifies sufficient sites to meet its housing need.

The Council should consider as part of the allocation of sites for residential use, the environmental and social benefits of redeveloping non-compliant and un-neighbourly industrial uses that cause harm to the Green Belt.

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

171 Former EHS Metal Scrapyard, Coxtie Green Road

Representation ID: 12621

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Sunbury Homes

Agent: JCN Design

Representation Summary:

Sites 171 & 172 have a degree of contamination, with potential to impact adjoining land or watercourses. Sites will create an opportunity to comprehensively deal with the historic contaminative uses, redevelopment of Scrap Yard will remove a use which is incompatible with adjoining residential dwellings. The proposed redevelopment meets four tests of deliverability in footnote to paragraph 47 of the NPPF. Pre-application discussions are already underway and it is anticipated that an application for planning permission will be submitted later this year, emphasising that the site can be delivered for residential development in the near future.
The site would be a logical and well-defined extension to the existing development on the north side of Coxtie Green road. The mix, type and tenure of the new homes will be addressed through an application but it offers the opportunity to create a sustainable mixed community that builds on the existing social infrastructure and meets local housing needs. There are no physical, environmental, social or legal constraints upon the site that could prevent development. Based on detailed financial appraisals undertaken by Sunbury Homes, subject to agreeing the appropriate contributions through the negotiation of a Section 106 Agreement, the site is a viable proposition.

Full text:

see attached



Strategic Growth Options

172 Land rear of 131-137 Coxtie Green Road

Representation ID: 12622

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Sunbury Homes

Agent: JCN Design

Representation Summary:

Sites 171 & 172 have a degree of contamination, with potential to impact adjoining land or watercourses. Sites will create an opportunity to comprehensively deal with the historic contaminative uses, redevelopment of Scrap Yard will remove a use which is incompatible with adjoining residential dwellings. The proposed redevelopment meets four tests of deliverability in footnote to paragraph 47 of the NPPF. Pre-application discussions are already underway and it is anticipated that an application for planning permission will be submitted later this year, emphasising that the site can be delivered for residential development in the near future.
The site would be a logical and well-defined extension to the existing development on the north side of Coxtie Green road. The mix, type and tenure of the new homes will be addressed through an application but it offers the opportunity to create a sustainable mixed community that builds on the existing social infrastructure and meets local housing needs. There are no physical, environmental, social or legal constraints upon the site that could prevent development. Based on detailed financial appraisals undertaken by Sunbury Homes, subject to agreeing the appropriate contributions through the negotiation of a Section 106 Agreement, the site is a viable proposition.

Full text:

see attached


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