Strategic Growth Options

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Strategic Growth Options

Question 5

Representation ID: 3955

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

On the extreme eastern edge of Hutton is the Hutton village conservation
area. This conservation area has an open rural setting apart from where it
abuts existing housing on the northern half of its western boundary, and
includes Hutton Hall (Grade II* listed) and the 14th century Church of All Saints
(Grade II* listed) plus a number of other buildings listed at Grade II. The
conservation area also includes areas of open land that make a positive
contribution to its character and appearance.
Additional comments about sitees 033, 211, 219, 008, 008B, 008C, 028C, 028A, 028B, 192, 212, 218.



Strategic Growth Options

033 Land to the south of Lodge Close, east of Hutton

Representation ID: 3956

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Development site 033 lies within the conservation area and English Heritage cannot see how they could come forward for development without resulting in significant
harm to the character or appearance of the conservation area, as well as adversely impacting on the setting of some of listed buildings.



Strategic Growth Options

211 Land and building on the West of Church Lane, Hutton

Representation ID: 3957

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Development site 211 lies within the conservation area and English Heritage cannot see how they could come forward for development without resulting in significant
harm to the character or appearance of the conservation area, as well as adversely impacting on the setting of some of listed buildings.



Strategic Growth Options

219 Land to the East of Hutton Village, Hutton, Shenfield

Representation ID: 3958

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Development site 219 lies within the conservation area and English Heritage cannot see how they could come forward for development without resulting in significant
harm to the character or appearance of the conservation area, as well as adversely impacting on the setting of some of listed buildings.



Strategic Growth Options

008A Woodlands School, Rayleigh Road, Hutton

Representation ID: 3959

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Sites 008, 008B and 008C are all likely to adversely impact on wider setting of the
conservation area and the more immediate setting of Hutton House, along
with its walled garden and stables (all listed at Grade II).



Strategic Growth Options

008B Woodlands School, Rayleigh Road, Hutton

Representation ID: 3960

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Sites 008, 008B and 008C are all likely to adversely impact on wider setting of the conservation area and the more immediate setting of Hutton House, along with its walled garden and stables (all listed at Grade II).



Strategic Growth Options

008C Land adjacent Woodlands School, Rayleigh Road, Hutton

Representation ID: 3961

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Sites 008, 008B and 008C are all likely to adversely impact on wider setting of the conservation area and the more immediate setting of Hutton House, along with its walled garden and stables (all listed at Grade II).



Strategic Growth Options

028C Land east of Running Waters, Brentwood

Representation ID: 3962

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Site 028C is a large site that abuts the south east and southwest boundaries of the conservation area, where development is likely to result in harm to the rural character and appearance of the conservation area and would also have the potential to adversely impact on the setting of the Church of All Saints and Hutton all (both Grade II* listed). The western boundary of Site 028C also abuts the boundary of Heatleys, a 16th century Grade II house, and development in this area would have implications for the setting of this house.



Strategic Growth Options

028B Land east of Running Waters, Brentwood

Representation ID: 3966

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Sites 028A and 028B abut the southeast built edge of Hutton. Development in this area would have implications for the setting of a number of listed buildings including Hare Hall (Grade II listed) Heatleys (Grade II) listed and Kennel House (Grade II listed). It may also have implications for the wider setting of the Thorndon Park Conservation Area and Thorndon Hall Registered Park and Garden (Grade II*), as well as longer views out from Thorndon Hall (Grade I listed).



Strategic Growth Options

028A Land east of Running Waters, Brentwood

Representation ID: 3967

Received: 10/02/2015

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Sites 028A and 028B abut the southeast built edge of Hutton. Development in this area would have implications for the setting of a number of listed buildings including Hare Hall (Grade II listed) Heatleys (Grade II) listed and Kennel House (Grade II listed). It may also have implications for the wider setting of the Thorndon Park Conservation Area and Thorndon Hall Registered Park and Garden (Grade II*), as well as longer views out from Thorndon Hall (Grade I listed).


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