Strategic Growth Options
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Strategic Growth Options
Question 12
Representation ID: 12156
Received: 22/04/2015
Respondent: S J & C M Norris
Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP
Yes, it is positive that the Council have recognised the need for the Local Plan to consider travel infrastructure that links with Cross Rail including pedestrian, cycle and vehicular transport. It is also positive the Council are currently carrying out further transport modelling to inform this strategy and further assessment will be made of the economic impact of Cross Rail. The results of this modelling will inform what additional transport infrastructure (including car parking) will be required in Shenfield and Brentwood as a result of Cross Rail. It's important that the Council has adequate car parking available to meet the needs and demand of Cross Rail, prior to the proposed opening in 2018.
See attached.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 12
Representation ID: 12158
Received: 22/04/2015
Respondent: S J & C M Norris
Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP
Land in-between the A12 and the A1023 is fully deliverable as a park and ride with commercial/leisure land. It is capable of being run privately or by Essex County Council if the demand dictates.
See attached.
Strategic Growth Options
075 Swedish Field, Stocks Lane, Kelvedon Hatch
Representation ID: 12192
Received: 23/04/2015
Respondent: S J & C M Norris
Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP
Provision of an outline of the suitability of the land at Stocks Lane, Kelvedon Hatch to support an apportionment of the Council's objectively assessed housing need within the emerging Local Plan. In addition, direct responses are provided with regards to the Brentwood Borough Council Strategic Growth Options Consultation framework. Comments are also made in response to the proposed Dunton Garden Suburb consultation.
The representation confirms that the land at Stocks Lane, Kelvedon Hatch presents a greenfield land opportunity which would support the Council's need to provide a sustainable level of housing and meet the objectively assessed housing needs.
Stocks Lane - See Attached.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 1
Representation ID: 12193
Received: 23/04/2015
Respondent: S J & C M Norris
Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP
The broad areas are generally supported, the focus of these areas around transport
corridors reflects the need to focus growth and strategic scale development around these linkages. It should however be emphasised that there are smaller scale opportunities in other areas of the Borough for development that could provide modest extensions to well-serviced settlements and support the Borough's need for housing in rural areas.
Stocks Lane - See Attached.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 1
Representation ID: 12194
Received: 23/04/2015
Respondent: S J & C M Norris
Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP
Adequate sites in villages outside the key growth areas should be considered as suitable sites for residential development in order to comply with the NPPF desire to promote sustainable development in rural areas by locating housing, as stated in Paragraph 55. The option of small scale village growth in the north of the Borough, identified as Growth Option A within the Strategic Growth Options Consultation documents, is supported. Although the transport network may restrict large scale growth in these villages, the small scale release of green belt at village development boundaries would provide the growth required to maintain prosperous rural economies and enhance the vitality of rural communities, in line with the NPPF.
Stocks Lane - See Attached.
Strategic Growth Options
200 Entire Land East of A128, south of A127
Representation ID: 12196
Received: 23/04/2015
Respondent: S J & C M Norris
Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP
The proposed allocation of between four and six thousand units at Dunton Garden Suburb provides recognition of the housing demand in the Borough. However, an adequate spread of housing needs to be provided across the Borough in order to meet the housing needs of different areas. The housing need of Hutton/ Shenfield/ Brentwood area will not be met from the delivery of Dunton Garden Suburb.
Stocks Lane - See Attached.
Strategic Growth Options
200 Entire Land East of A128, south of A127
Representation ID: 12197
Received: 23/04/2015
Respondent: S J & C M Norris
Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP
In addition the scale and strategic nature of the allocation of the development will present the council with significant challenges in the delivery of housing in the short term. As set out in paragraph 47 of the NPPF to boost significantly the supply of housing, local planning authorities should identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years' worth of housing against their housing requirements with an additional buffer of 5% to ensure choice and competition in the market for land.
Stocks Lane - See Attached.
Strategic Growth Options
200 Entire Land East of A128, south of A127
Representation ID: 12199
Received: 23/04/2015
Respondent: S J & C M Norris
Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP
The infrastructure requirement for large strategic sites as Dunton will be considerable and a development of this size is not likely to come forward until later in the plan period. To comply with paragraph 47 of the NPPF the Council provide choice and competition for market land, which can only be achieved through the allocation of a range of different sites, not just Dunton Garden Suburb. The allocation of land at Kelvedon Hatch will help support the rural community, and will be of a scale that can be delivered in the short term to meet the housing requirements for the early years of the plan period (prior to Dunton Garden Suburb) and assist in providing the choice and competition for market land as set out within the NPPF.
Stocks Lane - See Attached.
Strategic Growth Options
075 Swedish Field, Stocks Lane, Kelvedon Hatch
Representation ID: 12209
Received: 23/04/2015
Respondent: S J & C M Norris
Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP
Land at Stocks Lane is in single ownership and the Council has previously (in the SHLAA, site G028) considered this site suitable and acheivable. A resdiential development of 20-25 homes and public open space is proposed. Existing infrastructure and community facilities would be available. The site adjoins the village so would have a minimal impact on the Green Belt. PLans and associated assessments have been submitted as part of this representation.
Stocks Lane - See Attached.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 6
Representation ID: 12211
Received: 23/04/2015
Respondent: S J & C M Norris
Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP
Scenario C in consultation report sets out a Housing Growth, that OAN and accounts for past unmet need, of 6,200 dwellings over the 15 year plan period. The OAN for Brentwood Borough Council exceeds availability of brownfield land in the borough. The council cannot provide a sustainable level of housing in the borough without allocating suitable Green Belt land opportunities. It is preferable to release Greenfield sites on the edge of villages where suitable. Such release of Green Belt sites should be considered when land is adjacent to existing settlement boundaries and will have a minimal impact on the openness of the countryside. Sites should be considered where they are sustainably located and well-situated with regards to existing community facilities and services.
Stocks Lane - See Attached.