Strategic Growth Options

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Strategic Growth Options

Question 1

Representation ID: 6933

Received: 10/03/2015

Respondent: Boyer Planning

Representation Summary:

West Horndon Industrial Park remains a vibrant industrial park with only 1 vacant unit, in part due to excellent road links. Graphic International Display Ltd. therefore wish to focus on maintaining, protecting and improving upon the Boroughs economy, as well as the Council's general approach to meeting its objectively assessed housing need.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 6936

Received: 10/03/2015

Respondent: Boyer Planning

Representation Summary:

The North of the Borough centres around the disparate collection of villages, these are located within the Green Belt and surrounded by areas of natural, attractive landscape.

The north part of the borough does not feature sufficient transport connections which would be required to facilitate any large scale strategic allocations within the Local Plan. Without significant Investment into highways Infrastructure in this part of the Borough, which may Include a new junction to the M25 to the west, it's considered that this area of the Borough is not sustainable to provide a Significant level of growth in this area.



Strategic Growth Options

Sustainability Appraisal

Representation ID: 6937

Received: 10/03/2015

Respondent: Boyer Planning

Representation Summary:

It is noted that the Interim Sustainability Appraisal which forms part of the emerging evidence base for the Local Plan does not assess any potential strategic allocations within this Growth Area (discussed further below), which confirms its lack of suitability in providing sufficient new development over the plan period in order to contribute on a large strategic scale to the Council's housing or economic needs.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 6938

Received: 10/03/2015

Respondent: Boyer Planning

Representation Summary:

The A12 corridor centres on the main urban areas within the Borough, and features better transport connections, including the M25 to the west, the A12 running through from west to east and the main rail hub of Shenfield, as well as social and community infrastructure Including schools, hospitals and retail centres. It is acknowledged and understood that the A12 and M26 junctions suffer from congestion, particularly at peak periods, therefore consideration will need to be given to significant infrastructure investment on the highways network to alleviate these issues. Significant growth would therefore be sustainable within this corridor, particularly as the emerging 2017 Crossrall development, improving transport links into London.



Strategic Growth Options

Sustainability Appraisal

Representation ID: 6939

Received: 10/03/2015

Respondent: Boyer Planning

Representation Summary:

The Sustainability Appraisal prepared by URS in January 2015 assesses the possible strategic site located to the South East of Brentwood, which the report acknowledges could deliver a large number of new dwellings. In assessing this site against four other strategic sites, the report found that it performs well In terms of economic and employment objective, as well as community and well being considerations, due to its accessibility to community infrastructure. Consideration should therefore be given during the next stage of the Local Plan to further explore the potential for a large scale strategic allocation at South East Brentwood.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 6940

Received: 10/03/2015

Respondent: Boyer Planning

Representation Summary:

The A 127 corridor area comprises the single settlement of West Homdon, a small village of 1,482 residents (2001 Census). The village features a railway station, providing links into London (Fenchurch Street) and Southend-on-Sea, a Primary School, industrial estate and local shops and services. Due to the areas links onto the A 127 to the south, development can be considered within the A127 corridor, particularly in light of the emerging Dunton Garden Suburb to the east of the area, though the Consultation Document acknowledges the need to
invest and improve congestion on the A127.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 6941

Received: 10/03/2015

Respondent: Boyer Planning

Representation Summary:

Dunton performs well in terms of economic and employment objectives, as well as community and well-being considerations, and is highlighted as having potential for large scale growth.
The SA highlights issues with West Horndon providing such a large amount of new homes:
* Poor access to services and employment;
* Potential Impacts to Thomdon Park Site of Scientific Interest;
* Potential Impacts to Grade I Listed Old Thomdon Hall, Thomdon Park Conservation Area and Scheduled Ancient Monument; and
* Potential surface water flooding Issues.

Whilst West Homdon can accommodate some growth during the plan period, the focus for new development within the A127 corridor should be given to the Dunton Garden Suburb.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 6942

Received: 10/03/2015

Respondent: Boyer Planning

Representation Summary:

Significant growth within the Borough will encounter issues relating to the need for significant investment to be made into the Borough's highways network. In preparing the next stage of the Local Plan, which should Identity specific site allocations, the Council will need to undertake a comprehensive Strategic Transport Assessment In order to properiy understand the existing capacity of the major highway networks,including the A 12, A 127 and M25 junction. This will be required to ensure that new housing and employment opportunities are located within the most sustainable and appropriate areas, as well as to understand where improvements to the highways network are most required.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 2

Representation ID: 6943

Received: 10/03/2015

Respondent: Boyer Planning

Representation Summary:

Significant growth within the Borough will encounter significant issues relating to the need for the Borough to allow for new development to be located within the Green Belt.
The Council acknowledges at paragraph 1.4 of the Consultation Document that 3,000 dwellings will need to be provided within the Green Belt, a not insignificant number and over half of 15 years requirement . Further background evidence will need to be produced prior to the next stage of the Local Plan process to ensure that the most suitable Green Belt sites are properly identified and considered.



Strategic Growth Options

Question 12

Representation ID: 6944

Received: 10/03/2015

Respondent: Boyer Planning

Representation Summary:

Infrastructure issues, such as school provision and access to local shops and services, will need to be assessed during the next stage of the Plan process, the advantage of allocating 'strategic' sites, rather than a more dispersed approach to housing development, is that 'strategic' sites can provide new infrastructure as part of the development. The introduction of Community Infrastructure Levy could direct funds towards specific infrastructure needs such as the provision of new schools, hospitals etc. It may also be appropriate, at this stage, for the Council to investigate potential for introducing the Community Infrastructure Levy, which would help to identify and provide funding for specific infrastructure schemes.


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