Strategic Growth Options
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Strategic Growth Options
Question 1
Representation ID: 11530
Received: 17/02/2015
Respondent: Gerald Eve LLP
Yes, however it should be noted that these are to aid identification. As site specific matters are of greater relevance, for example 018 Thoby Priory, whilst located in the Northern are is more closely associated with Mountnessing.
see attached.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 2
Representation ID: 11531
Received: 17/02/2015
Respondent: Gerald Eve LLP
see attached.
Strategic Growth Options
095B The Water Meadows, Mountnessing
Representation ID: 11532
Received: 17/02/2015
Respondent: Gerald Eve LLP
This site is well related to the existing settlement of Mountnessing. It is bounded by existing residential development and the A12 and B1002 Roman Road. This location is ideal to meet the needs of Mountnessing with minimum impact on views across the green belt as these are already affected by built development. The location is a natural infill within the village which would not lead to coalescence with Ingatestone.
see attached.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 5
Representation ID: 11533
Received: 17/02/2015
Respondent: Gerald Eve LLP
Yes where these are appropriate, together with previously developed land within the green belt, where suitable opportunities arise.
see attached.
Strategic Growth Options
Question 6
Representation ID: 11534
Received: 17/02/2015
Respondent: Gerald Eve LLP
Preference should be given to previously developed sites with appropriate edge of village/infill sites where appropriate.
see attached.
Strategic Growth Options
018 Thoby Priory, Thoby Lane, Mountnessing
Representation ID: 11535
Received: 17/02/2015
Respondent: Gerald Eve LLP
Site is particularly suitable for housing. It is close to Mountnessing and proposals are in place to connect it with a foot/cycle path. The site is available and proposals are being developed with the community and council officers. The site is achievable, work has been undertaken regarding the ancient monument and EIA. Development would have a number of benefits. The scheduled ancient monument is at risk, and development could enhance the setting. Proposals include cleanup of existing wildlife habitat and decontamination of ponds, and a new environmental park to be provided. Would remove industrial traffic from the local highways, and would provide new housing of high quality design.
see attached.