Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
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Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29735
Received: 11/11/2021
Respondent: The Ursuline Sisters Brentwood CIO
Agent: JTS Partnership LLP
The upward revision to 75 dwellings is welcomed and better reflects the NPPF requirement to make efficient use of land although our previous response on F78 demonstrated how greater provision can be achieved while continuing to reflect local character.
1(e) and Para.9.175 - Any financial contribution being sought should be proportionate to the historic provision which was as a single playing pitch. The Council have not provided details of how such a contribution is calculated.
The upward revision to 75 dwellings is welcomed and better reflects the NPPF requirement to make efficient use of land although our previous response on F78 demonstrated how greater provision can be achieved while continuing to reflect local character.
1(e) and Para.9.175 - Any financial contribution being sought should be proportionate to the historic provision which was as a single playing pitch. The Council have not provided details of how such a contribution is calculated.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29736
Received: 11/11/2021
Respondent: The Ursuline Sisters Brentwood CIO
Agent: JTS Partnership LLP
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? Yes
New paragraph 5.145 states that "designated Urban Open Spaces....provide an important multi-functional local resource to residents and therefore, are to be protected." The Local Plan Proposals Map is largely unchanged in respect of such designations, however, the 2017 Brentwood Open Space Strategy assessed the value of all sites. Site ID19b was ranked at the lowest level (1 out of 5) for public accessibility and Recreational Value, and 2 fore amenity value. This low value rating conflicts with the above statement and questions the worthiness of their protection.
New paragraph 5.145 states that "designated Urban Open Spaces....provide an important multi-functional local resource to residents and therefore, are to be protected." The Local Plan Proposals Map is largely unchanged in respect of such designations, however, the 2017 Brentwood Open Space Strategy assessed the value of all sites. Site ID19b was ranked at the lowest level (1 out of 5) for public accessibility and Recreational Value, and 2 fore amenity value. This low value rating conflicts with the above statement and questions the worthiness of their protection.
Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29739
Received: 11/11/2021
Respondent: The Ursuline Sisters Brentwood CIO
Agent: JTS Partnership LLP
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? Yes
Criteria A(a) of Policy NE05 provides the exception to the presumption against development of open spaces, where assessment can demonstrate the function it performs is "surplus to requirements". Such wording is vague and unhelpful and will be extremely subjective. New paragraph 5.145 (see MM29) states that the presumption against will exist for open spaces which "provide a significant amenity resource". This is the much clearer test that should be applied and better reflects the multi-functional qualities of open space which are not always best assessed against a test of being surplus to requirements.
Criteria A(a) of Policy NE05 provides the exception to the presumption against development of open spaces, where assessment can demonstrate the function it performs is "surplus to requirements". Such wording is vague and unhelpful and will be extremely subjective. New paragraph 5.145 (see MM29) states that the presumption against will exist for open spaces which "provide a significant amenity resource". This is the much clearer test that should be applied and better reflects the multi-functional qualities of open space which are not always best assessed against a test of being surplus to requirements.