Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
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Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 30152
Received: 30/11/2021
Respondent: Turn2us
Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Policy MG06 is not sufficiently robust to ensure that development needs will be met in the longer term, and further modifications are required to ensure the BLP is capable of being sound.
There must be a reasonable level of certainty that the partial review of the plan will take place. We do not consider the policy as presently worded provides sufficient certainty. The proposed wording does not compel the Council to progress the Local Plan review beyond submission and to adoption.
It is also not clear what will happen in the event that any of the objectives listed in Policy MG06 are not met. Due to the Borough being predominantly Green Belt failure to progress a Local Plan review is highly likely to result in development needs going unmet.
See attached