Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
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Schedule of Potential Main Modifications
Representation ID: 29810
Received: 24/11/2021
Respondent: Transport for London
Agent: Transport for London
Support Policy BE08 Strategic Transport Infrastructure, particularly Part A & D.
Part C needs further consideration when finalising the Plan, account needs to be taken of the strategic and cross boundary impacts. TfL manages the A127 and A12 which form part of the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN) within London. Removing existing highway capacity constraints may simply transfer the problem downstream to pinch points within London and so first consideration should be given to non-highway measures and/or improvements to walking and cycling that may help to mitigate traffic impacts.
Thank you for consulting Transport for London (TfL). We have the following observation on the potential main modifications:
We welcome the modifications to this policy which require reasonable and proportionate contributions to required mitigation measures to strategic transport infrastructure. Given that TfL Rail serves Brentwood and Shenfield stations and we provide cross boundary bus services to Brentwood, we particularly support:
A - circulation arrangements, public realm and multimodal integration around Brentwood, Shenfield and Ingatestone stations
D - additional and/or improved pedestrian, cycling infrastructure and bus services connecting development to key destinations such as railway stations, education facilities, employment, retail and leisure.
When considering C - improvements to the highway, account needs to be taken of the strategic and cross boundary impacts. TfL manages the A127 and A12 which form part of the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN) within London. Removing existing highway capacity constraints may simply transfer the problem downstream to pinch points within London and so first consideration should be given to non-highway measures and/or improvements to walking and cycling that may help to mitigate traffic impacts.
We hope that these points can be taken into account when finalising the Local Plan
Best wishes
Richard Carr