Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)

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Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)


Representation ID: 24120

Received: 22/05/2019

Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Yes

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Fairview supports the designation for housing, and having undertaken some design and massing work, considers that it can accommodate more than 55 units. However, for the basis of a policy designation, Fairview supports this policy and considers that this policy is sound. of a 1.5ha site, 1ha is developable.

Change suggested by respondent:

Removal of Policy R18: B Development Principles criterion b. provision for public open space.

Full text:

Fairview New Homes are submitting these representations to the Brentwood Local Plan 2016 to 2033, Pre-Submission Regulation 19 Stage consultation. The submission relates to the former Brentwood Blood Centre, Crescent Drive, CM15 8DP. The representations relate to the soundness of the Local Plan.

Policy R18: Land at Crescent Drive

Policy R18 A: Amount and Type of Development

The site is identified as having capacity for "around 55" homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing. Supporting text at paragraph 9.165 states that the site is anticipated to be delivered between 2021/22 and 2023/24.

Fairview supports the designation for housing, and having undertaken some design and massing work, considers that it can accommodate more than 55 units. However, for the basis of a policy designation, Fairview supports this policy and considers that this policy is sound.

This is for the following reasons:

Ownership - The site is solely owned by Fairview New Homes.

Fairview - Fairview was established in the 1960s and has now delivered over 400 projects across the Southeast. Fairview has a strong track record of success and rapid delivery. Following the planning process, Fairview implements consents as soon as possible. Fairview is a specialist in urban sites with challenging characteristics and has a strong track record of regenerating vacant and derelict sites into residential use. As such, it is considered that the delivery of the site can be achieve in the short term and the delivery timescale included within the policy is sound.

Site Characteristics - The site comprises an irregular shaped parcel of land with an area of 1.5 hectares, of which 1 hectare is developable. The remainder of the site is heavily wooded and protected by planning designations.

The site comprises a vacant blood donor, research and distribution centre, with associated laboratories, cold stores and office facilities. The main building in the centre of the site is 2 storeys at the front increasing to 3 and 4-storeys to the rear. Single storey workshops and garages are located to the south and south-west. There are two existing access points from Crescent Drive into the site.

Policy R18: B Development Principles

Within the draft policy the following development principles are listed:

a. vehicular access via Crescent Drive;
b. provision for public open space;
c. protect and enhance landscape boundaries to the south west of the site;
d. protect existing site trees within the development site; and
e. provision for pedestrian and cycle connections.

Fairview supports development principles a, c, d and e of the draft policy. Fairview does not consider "B Development Principle b. provision for public open space" to be sound.

This is for the following reason:

Site Constraints - The key constraints to developing the site comprise the site levels and large number of existing trees. The site slopes from north to south by 3 metres and north-west to south-east by 4 metres. As such there is a storey height difference between the front and back of the site and from each side.

Paragraph 5.181 in reference to Policy BE22: Open Space in New Development, useable open space is defined as 2000m2 in a single mass, giving people a space to be able to play. It is considered that given the substantial constraints relating to levels and tree coverage of the site, that creation of a public open space within the site is not a sound principle of development. Smaller pockets of amenity space that respond to the tree locations and ground levels would be a more appropriate development principle for this specific site.



Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)


Representation ID: 24121

Received: 22/05/2019

Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Fairview does not consider Development Principle B: provision for public open space to be sound. Site Constraints - The key constraints to developing the site comprise the site levels and large number of existing trees. The site slopes from north to south by 3 metres and north-west to south-east by 4 metres. As such there is a storey height difference between the front and back of the site and from each side. Paragraph 5.181 in reference to Policy BE22: Open Space in New Development, useable open space is defined as 2000m2 in a single mass, giving people a space to be able to play. It is considered that given the substantial constraints relating to levels and tree coverage of the site, that creation of a public open space within the site is not a sound principle of development. Smaller pockets of amenity space that respond to the tree locations and ground levels would be a more appropriate development principle for this specific site.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove criterion b. provision for public open space of Policy R18

Full text:

Fairview New Homes are submitting these representations to the Brentwood Local Plan 2016 to 2033, Pre-Submission Regulation 19 Stage consultation. The submission relates to the former Brentwood Blood Centre, Crescent Drive, CM15 8DP. The representations relate to the soundness of the Local Plan.

Policy R18: Land at Crescent Drive

Policy R18 A: Amount and Type of Development

The site is identified as having capacity for "around 55" homes of mixed size and type, including affordable housing. Supporting text at paragraph 9.165 states that the site is anticipated to be delivered between 2021/22 and 2023/24.

Fairview supports the designation for housing, and having undertaken some design and massing work, considers that it can accommodate more than 55 units. However, for the basis of a policy designation, Fairview supports this policy and considers that this policy is sound.

This is for the following reasons:

Ownership - The site is solely owned by Fairview New Homes.

Fairview - Fairview was established in the 1960s and has now delivered over 400 projects across the Southeast. Fairview has a strong track record of success and rapid delivery. Following the planning process, Fairview implements consents as soon as possible. Fairview is a specialist in urban sites with challenging characteristics and has a strong track record of regenerating vacant and derelict sites into residential use. As such, it is considered that the delivery of the site can be achieve in the short term and the delivery timescale included within the policy is sound.

Site Characteristics - The site comprises an irregular shaped parcel of land with an area of 1.5 hectares, of which 1 hectare is developable. The remainder of the site is heavily wooded and protected by planning designations.

The site comprises a vacant blood donor, research and distribution centre, with associated laboratories, cold stores and office facilities. The main building in the centre of the site is 2 storeys at the front increasing to 3 and 4-storeys to the rear. Single storey workshops and garages are located to the south and south-west. There are two existing access points from Crescent Drive into the site.

Policy R18: B Development Principles

Within the draft policy the following development principles are listed:

a. vehicular access via Crescent Drive;
b. provision for public open space;
c. protect and enhance landscape boundaries to the south west of the site;
d. protect existing site trees within the development site; and
e. provision for pedestrian and cycle connections.

Fairview supports development principles a, c, d and e of the draft policy. Fairview does not consider "B Development Principle b. provision for public open space" to be sound.

This is for the following reason:

Site Constraints - The key constraints to developing the site comprise the site levels and large number of existing trees. The site slopes from north to south by 3 metres and north-west to south-east by 4 metres. As such there is a storey height difference between the front and back of the site and from each side.

Paragraph 5.181 in reference to Policy BE22: Open Space in New Development, useable open space is defined as 2000m2 in a single mass, giving people a space to be able to play. It is considered that given the substantial constraints relating to levels and tree coverage of the site, that creation of a public open space within the site is not a sound principle of development. Smaller pockets of amenity space that respond to the tree locations and ground levels would be a more appropriate development principle for this specific site.



Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)


Representation ID: 25812

Received: 19/03/2019

Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Parking is a nightmare, school is full, GP is at capacity, post office has closed.
Should show there are other suitable areas for these building works can take place. I believe it will drop house prices on all property in Blackmore which is unfair to residents already having property.
I give my full support for BVHA to voice my views

Change suggested by respondent:

Should show there are other suitable areas for these building works can take place. I believe it will drop house prices on all property in Blackmore which is unfair to residents already having property.
I give my full support for BVHA to voice my views

Full text:

Refer to attached scan. Parking is a nightmare, school is full, GP is at capacity, post office has closed.
Should show there are other suitable areas for these building works can take place. I believe it will drop house prices on all property in Blackmore which is unfair to residents already having property.
I give my full support for BVHA to voice my views


Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)


Representation ID: 25813

Received: 19/03/2019

Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Parking is a nightmare, school is full, GP is at capacity, post office has closed.
Should show there are other suitable areas for these building works can take place. I believe it will drop house prices on all property in Blackmore which is unfair to residents already having property.
I give my full support for BVHA to voice my views

Change suggested by respondent:

I believe it will drop house prices on all property in Blackmore which is unfair to residents already having property.
I give my full support for BVHA to voice my views

Full text:

Refer to attached scan. Parking is a nightmare, school is full, GP is at capacity, post office has closed.
Should show there are other suitable areas for these building works can take place. I believe it will drop house prices on all property in Blackmore which is unfair to residents already having property.
I give my full support for BVHA to voice my views

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