Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)
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Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)
Duty to Cooperate
Representation ID: 23187
Received: 18/03/2019
Respondent: Southend on Sea Council
Brentwood and Southend Councils are both active partners in the Association of South Essex Authorities. This will set the overall planning context for South Essex and respective Local Plans will need to align with this or if they are prepared in advance, include appropriate review mechanisms. This is important for fulfilling the Duty to Co-operate. The A127 and the C2C rail routes are key strategic transport corridors linking Southend, Brentwood to London and beyond. Both already face capacity issues and it is important that the impacts of development are considered not in a "whole route" approach.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Brentwood Local Plan Regulation 19 consultation.
Brentwood is located within a separate Housing Market Area to Southend. I also note that you intend to accommodate your own projected need, primarily at Dunton Hills, and are not seeking for neighbouring authorities to take any of your housing requirements. If this was not the case, all the evidence base work commissioned for the Southend Local Plan Issues and Options indicates that Southend will not be able to meet its housing need in full and will therefore, be unable to contribute to meeting other authorities need.
I understand that work has been undertaken in assessing housing provision, particularly regarding the Dunton Hill Garden Settlement. At a strategic South Essex level it will be important to fully consider how this proposal relates to wider strategic housing proposals in the West Horndon area (affecting other neighbouring authorities).
The A127 and the C2C rail routes are key strategic transport corridors linking Southend to London and beyond through neighbouring authorities, including Brentwood. Both already face capacity issues and it is important that the impacts of development are considered not only on individual junctions but taking into account a "whole route" approach. There is already an A127 Working group comprising all the Highway authorities along the corridor which is considering possible interventions along the route. It is essential that any significant interventions in Brentwood therefore are aligned with this work.
Brentwood and Southend Councils are both active partners in the Association of South Essex Authorities working on the Joint Strategic Plan for South Essex. This will set the overall planning context for South Essex and respective Local Plans will need to align with this or if they are prepared in advance, include appropriate review mechanisms. This is important for fulfilling the Duty to Co-operate requirements set out in legislation.
Brentwood Local Plan 2016 - 2033 (Pre-Submission, Regulation 19)
Local Housing Need
Representation ID: 23188
Received: 18/03/2019
Respondent: Southend on Sea Council
Support that you intend to accommodate your own projected need and are not seeking for neighbouring authorities to take any of your housing requirements. If this was not the case, Southend is unable to contribute to meeting other authorities need.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Brentwood Local Plan Regulation 19 consultation.
Brentwood is located within a separate Housing Market Area to Southend. I also note that you intend to accommodate your own projected need, primarily at Dunton Hills, and are not seeking for neighbouring authorities to take any of your housing requirements. If this was not the case, all the evidence base work commissioned for the Southend Local Plan Issues and Options indicates that Southend will not be able to meet its housing need in full and will therefore, be unable to contribute to meeting other authorities need.
I understand that work has been undertaken in assessing housing provision, particularly regarding the Dunton Hill Garden Settlement. At a strategic South Essex level it will be important to fully consider how this proposal relates to wider strategic housing proposals in the West Horndon area (affecting other neighbouring authorities).
The A127 and the C2C rail routes are key strategic transport corridors linking Southend to London and beyond through neighbouring authorities, including Brentwood. Both already face capacity issues and it is important that the impacts of development are considered not only on individual junctions but taking into account a "whole route" approach. There is already an A127 Working group comprising all the Highway authorities along the corridor which is considering possible interventions along the route. It is essential that any significant interventions in Brentwood therefore are aligned with this work.
Brentwood and Southend Councils are both active partners in the Association of South Essex Authorities working on the Joint Strategic Plan for South Essex. This will set the overall planning context for South Essex and respective Local Plans will need to align with this or if they are prepared in advance, include appropriate review mechanisms. This is important for fulfilling the Duty to Co-operate requirements set out in legislation.